Trump Continues To Be Right – If Not For Illegal Votes He Would Have Won Popular Vote – IOTW Report

Trump Continues To Be Right – If Not For Illegal Votes He Would Have Won Popular Vote

An independent study shows that Trump’s claim that he would have won the popular vote if you deducted the illegal alien vote seems to be accurate.

DW-, an independent think tank, did some serious number crunching on immigration to the U.S. and said this about the 2008 election:

Based on:

  • the number of non-citizens in this poll,[1002] the margin of sampling error for their self-declared voting is ± 5 percentage points with at least 95% confidence.[1003] [1004] [1005]
  • the number of non-citizens in this poll who were in the database,[1006] the margin of sampling error for their undeclared voting is ± 8 percentage points with at least 95% confidence.[1007] [1008] [1009]
  • these study results and Census Bureau population estimates, 594,000 to 5.7 million non-citizens voted illegally in the 2008 election.[1010] [1011]

See the report here for citations.

Thus, if that many illegals voted in 2008 — up to 5.7 million — then it’s perfectly reasonable to think that as many — or more — voted in the 2016 election. Just Facts said that in 2012, 3.2 million to 5.6 million noncitizens were registered to vote — and 1.2 million to 3.6 million of them cast ballots. Remember, Trump lost the popular vote by 2.8 million.


14 Comments on Trump Continues To Be Right – If Not For Illegal Votes He Would Have Won Popular Vote

  1. As I recall the estimate of illegal voting last year was about 3mil. This almost twice that. Not surprising because most people at the time thought this was just a conservative, believable estimate that of course the Rats and their Knee-Pad Media poo-pooed!

  2. If the feds need help deporting illegal voters, I’m confident that a lot of boat owners would be happy to take them out past the 12-mile territorial limit and ask them politely to disembark the vessel. It would be a nice humanitarian gesture to toss a pool noodle to them once in the water.

  3. I’m just now watching this rally from last night. The man is on fire! He’s awesome! I think getting out of Washington is a tonic to President Trump. He’s so upbeat and positive. I find myself smiling from ear-to-ear just watching this.

  4. Given the previous estimate of all types of fraudulent votes cast was 8 million, 3 mil of which were cast by illegals, if 11.7 million votes were taken from the Beast, Trump would have swept every state.

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