Trump Cuts the Fat and the Fat Complains – IOTW Report

Trump Cuts the Fat and the Fat Complains

The Federalist-

Joel Clement, a top climate policy official at the U.S. Department of Interior, has proclaimed himself a whistleblower. What is the grave injustice or illegal activity has he selflessly revealed to the public? Clement is upset that he was involuntarily reassigned to a job that doesn’t have anything to do with his previous work on climate change (he’s now processing royalty checks from fossil fuel companies). But you wouldn’t know it based on the media coverage.

Clement declared this week in an op-ed for The Washington Post and an appearance on NPR that his reassignment is the Trump administration’s retaliation against him for speaking out about the danger climate change poses to Alaska Native communities.

According to Clement, he raised the issue in multiple forums in the months preceding his reassignment, and “It is clear to me that the administration was so uncomfortable with this work, and my disclosures, that I was reassigned with the intent to coerce me into leaving the federal government.”

He’s probably halfway right about that. No doubt Trump’s Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke wants Clement to resign. But it’s not because of his “disclosures” but rather because the climate change work he was doing was a colossal waste of taxpayer dollars.


I feel like a reverse empath. The more pain these jerks feel the giddier I get.

Please, sir Trump, more.

ht/ illust8r

8 Comments on Trump Cuts the Fat and the Fat Complains

  1. If he doesn’t like processing royalty checks from fossil fuel companies he can be promoted to mucking horse stalls for the National Park Service. He obviously skilled at shoveling shit.

  2. Send this turkey and all his brethren to an igloo in Antarctica so they can “study” Klimate koo koo. Now, now, they can have some instruments for their study. Give them thermometers.

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