Trump Delivers Address After the Passage of the AHCA in the House – IOTW Report

Trump Delivers Address After the Passage of the AHCA in the House

Trump’s address includes his clarification that this is “repeal and replace, make no mistake about it.”

He says that “premiums and deductibles are going to come down.”

He says that all the fractured groups (The Tuesday group, The Freedom Caucus) came together in the last 3 days to craft a bill that everyone will be happy with.

He believes the senate will pass this bill.

He thanked the group of “incredibly talented people” standing behind him.

He thanked Paul Ryan for working hard to get this done.

He also reminded the people that he is the president, “can you believe that? They said to be president it would take more time. Apparently not.”

Mike Pence is looking forward to more moments like these from president Trump, all destined to Make America Great Again.


75 Comments on Trump Delivers Address After the Passage of the AHCA in the House

  1. One of my lefties stated that AARP told him his Obamacare cost is going from $5000 a year to $26,000 a year via Trumpcare. Is the ink even dry yet on doc? It’s not even a thing yet- it has many more legislative processes to go through before it’s truly repealed.

  2. Trump’s word before the election was “Repeal”.

    Trump said I’ve only been a politician for a short time… am I doing? I didn’t elect a politician.

    REPEAL — NOT “Replace”

    Ryan sure was smiling all the way to the bank.
    Dump Paul Ryan !


  3. Wrong, BFH. It’s not repealed. All the pre-existing conditions crap is still in there. Which is like telling someone they can wait until there house is on fire before buying home insurance. Which drives up the cost of health insurance for everyone else. Pathetic GOP. I don’t even know why I care anymore

  4. I’m not sure what people expected when Trump said on the campaign trail that Obamacare would be repealed.
    Repeal will come in waves.
    While each component, which there are 1000s, is replaced, eventually what we knew as Obamacare will be essentially repealed.

    Did you expect Trump to smack a gavel and say Obamacare is now officially repealed.
    Well, what happens the next morning?
    Are people covered? What are the new rules? Are insurance companies able to sell across state lines?

    There is no pulling of the band aid here.

  5. Preexisting conditions and WHEN people can purchase insurance are two different issues.
    I’m not sure why you are conflating the two.
    There will still be windows when someone has to purchase insurance to avoid the problem of people buying insurance only when they are sick.
    And if you do buy insurance once you are sick, the AHCA has uncapped what insurers can charge.

  6. Fur, to be a *stickler*,
    Not even close.
    The 21st Amendment REPEALED the 18th (Prohibition).
    THAT’S “repeal.”
    NOTHING less.
    That’s the whole schtick about getting 60 Senate votes.

    Until then, anything else – as helpful as it may be towards that end – is just, as you say, “step by step, inch by inch” modification.

    Let’s just hope it’s *enough* to visibly start releiving the pain for Americans.

  7. BHF, I was expecting one of the 5 Bills drafted to repeal Obamacare by the GOP and shot down by Obama to be pulled out and sent to Trump for him to sign within days of Trump being sworn in.

    The uninsured were still being taken care of in this country. When the GOP played their Lucy with the football trick last month I was hoping Trump would just do an executive order and give the whole nation a waiver like Obama did to his favorite corporations.

    Its an excrement sandwich that had Obama’s name on it. If we are not going to repeal it let it stand and implode with his name on it. Its still going to implode but now it will have the GOP names on it. The MSM will stop covering for Obamacare fail and will now give a full court press as to whatever this crap is called and the thrust will be single payer. Which is what Obamacare was designed to do in the first place but now that his name is off it the real fun for the left can start.

    We played right into their hands.

    The GOP should have repealed it and used then hailed that were “replaced it” with the free market and tort reform. But instead we have another bill we have to pass before we can understand it and the true believers are left wondering “why do I bother voting for the GOP when they act like F-tard liberals”

  8. In regards to preexisting conditions, AHCA returns the health insurance industry to preObamacare standards.
    Obama falsely claimed that people with preexisting conditions couldn’t get healthcare. That was against HIPAA laws.
    They would be ushered into high-risk pools that cost more money than your standard insurance.
    Shouldn’t that be the case?

  9. Jon, preexisting conditions have been covered in both the group AND individual market since 1996 HIPAA law passed. Covering preexisting conditions is NOTHING new. What the AHCA does is once again SEPARATE the 5% of those who purchase health insurance in the individual market who have the highest health care costs from the HEALTHY pools so that those who are healthy no longer have to pay exponentially higher premiums in order to cover those people. Those people will once again be covered under state run high risk health insurance pools, as was done for two decades before Obamacare. What Obamacare WRONGLY did was lump those people into the healthy, national individual market pool and that drove up premiums exponentially for everyone else. That was stupid. The AHCA stops that stupid and does MUCH more to provide desperately need relief to the 23 million Americans who purchase their health insurance in a now almost non existent individual health insurance market. You can learn more about what we accomplish with the AHCA here >

  10. Pelopidas, NONE of the former bills passed by Republicans that supposedly ‘repealed ALL of Obamacare” EVER passed the U.S. Senate. Not even the one in 2015. Why? Because you need 60 votes to accomplish a full repeal. We only have 52 votes and we had even less in 2015. This is WHY we are using the Budget Reconciliation process to repeal as much of the bill as we can right now and pass some very GOOD reforms to the individual under 65 health insurance market and Medicaid. Conservatives MUST learn U.S. Senate rules or we will NEVER repeal Obamacare.

  11. Pelo-
    Obamacare’s tentacles extend much further than simply saying it was a bill that insured the uninsured.

    Repealing Obamacare would have an effect on everyone whether they are enrolled in Obamacare or not.

    I’m interested in one thing right now – seeing premiums and deductible come down.
    If that doesn’t happen I really do not care if Trump or Obama gets blamed.

    If Trump has the chisel on the block and has begun hammering, I’m interested in seeing what the result is rather than do nothing.
    Full repeal of Obamacare overnight was never possible, either pragmatically, or more importantly, politically.
    We don’t have the votes. And Obamacare does not qualify for repeal by executive order.

  12. Cato, you cannot repeal Obamacare without 60 votes. That’s number one. Number two. We repeal MUCH of Obamacare with 51 votes via the AHCA using budget reconciliation in the U.S. Senate. Taxes, Spending, Mandates, Regulations etc. Not to provide a regulatory replacement bill would be INSANITY. So OF COURSE we’re going to provide a new regulatory framework going forward. It would be grossly irresponsible not to do so.

  13. csteventucker, haven’t they been continually tweaking this since then, trying to get enough elephants on board. You can’t tell me it is unchanged since March 6.

  14. Republican Obamacare replacement bill passes House!!
    Just wanted to put CStevenTuckers quote out to all you dumb dumbs
    “Just so everyone understands correctly. Thanks to the failure of certain Republicans to pass the American Health Care Act which would have provided immediate relief to MILLIONS of Americans, the PPACA (Obamacare) Individual Mandate is still FULLY in force and codified by IRS law. In addition, the Employer Mandate is still FULLY IN FORCE and codified by IRS law. So, we will still be a “Part -Time” nation until at least 2019. There is a REASON both the Individual and Employer mandates were “zeroed out” and set to be repealed in the AHCA. It’s because President Trump’s executive order is just that, an order, it is NOT codified law. The AHCA would have ensured that his order became codified law and that the IRS code was permanently changed officially so that no one ever pays those penalties again. Also, for the 19 million Americans who have to purchase their own health insurance, be prepared for premium increases of at least 50% next year, if you can find a health plan since there is now only ONE carrier left to ‘choose’ from in 1/3rd of our nation’s counties. Buy hey, what do I know? I’ve only been doing this for 21 years. I’m sure the “Freedom Caucus” knows better than I do. Keep waiving those flags everyone, forget about ADVANCING them. “The enemy of better is perfect.” – Dennis Prager
    I thought you said it was Ryancare or nothing. Thank God for the Freedom Caucus!

  15. That was then, this is now. I’m no longer angry at the Freedom Caucus JTucker because they decided to work with the president and vice president to get the AHCA through congress. That stated, there was nothing wrong with the AHCA then and there’s nothing wrong with it now. The Freedom Caucus members were the ones lying to the American people calling the AHCA ‘Obamacare light”. Freedom Caucus members like Jim Jordan were saying it’s “not full repeal so we’re not supporting it” knowing FULL WELL at the time that we cannot achieve full repeal without 60 votes in the Senate. We only have 52. The Freedom Caucus deserved my condemnation at the time and I stand by it today, even though I’m no longer pissed at them for killing a GOOD bill when it had momentum.

  16. And what was passed today IS the ORIGINAL American Health Care Act or what dumb dumbs called “Ryancare” @JTucker. The only difference are a couple of new amendments. “Ryancare” passed today whether you like it or not.

  17. COD-

    Repeal can only be achieved by replacing its components. There is no path to repeal until the next election, and we could very well be worse off politically than now. One never knows.
    Replacing is repealing.
    If you want to get pedantic, doing battle with ISIS is not full defeat.
    So let’s do nothing.

    Anyone saying that it should just do a death spiral and crash and burn is risking that they can wake up and not have health insurance.

    I’d rather we be out on the engine replacing parts

  18. JTucker.
    You’re bordering on stalker territory. You seem to follow C.Steven wherever he goes and it’s not to inform or debate, it’s just to feed the bug up your ass.

    Just an observation.

  19. C. Steven says I got something I said wrong.

    >>>AHCA does cap what an insurer can charge someone with a preexisting condition at 30% more. >>

    So, it didn’t entirely remove the cap.

  20. Joe, if you get health insurers and the agents who represent them ‘out of the loop’ you have Single Payer. Is that what you want? If so, you need to replace the (R) behind your name and replace it with (D) for Delusional.

  21. csteventucker, it’s always interesting to read your exchanges. You add a lot to the conversation. One thing, I don’t have time to follow day by day everything that congress does or doesn’t do. Hell, it’s hard enough to follow what goes on at iOTW.

  22. csteventucker

    I for one thank you for your input. I was personally never under the opinion that a sudden Repeal and Replace could be done simply for the fact that there’s a shit load of people that have policies and active claims under the current system. How would you manage that?

  23. Well at least with this in the Headlines everyone will forget about the omnibus bill that funds planned parenthood, abortions, H-2B visa is a low-skilled, guest worker program, islamic refugees and illegal aliens.

  24. Ugh, don’t remind me about that CR @Cato. What a DISASTER (other than the two bones they threw us which were increased military spending without having to match it with domestic spending and border security funds). And yes, there will be MUCH negotiations in the upper chamber. No doubt about it. Let’s just hope our narrow majority holds together and we get a half way decent bill back to the House and then over to POTUS’s desk to sing. With RINOs like McCain and his life partner Lindsey and Skeletor up in Alaska, I have genuine concerns about the final product.

  25. Not that I’m trying to beat a dead horse here but the final wording of this bill was not posted until last night.

    With 1/6th of the economy at stake, the vote happened after the CBO did not score the bill. The text of the AHCA was posted late Wednesday evening. The GOP House has a rule that text of a bill must be posted for three days prior to voting. Yet, House Republicans ignored their own standard and barreled forward.

    The Resurgent

  26. Wow, what a fucking disappointment congress and Trump has been this past week. I am missing Cruz more and more as president because he would have never signed this crap health care bill or that budget disaster! It’s like the damn democrats won the election.

  27. BFH,

    I hope you are right. I want Trump to win because the means America will win.

    If Trump can take it all down piece by piece I can live with that.

    I just see this as the same as Obamacare but now it’s Ryancare and it has the same destination which is single payer. I hope to god I’m wrong.

  28. I’m not clinking champagne glasses and doing cartwheels.
    But this is progress, something that in early November was looking like maybe we were staring at single payer FOR SURE.
    Now it goes back to the senate to be tweaked.
    Meanwhile, hand-wringers and pillow-biters have thrown the towel in already.
    I just don’t get it.

  29. As an individual buyer, I just got some Miracle Whip spread on my shit sandwich! I was hoping for Duke’s real Mayonnaise…maybe after “we” get 60 Senators in 2018…

    Are we tired of winning yet?

  30. I don’t want to be in the hand-wringers and pillow-biters category, but I’m not going to stand for being in the served a shit sandwich and saying thank you category either. Right now I’m dealing with some issues and I’m avoiding a diagnosis because I don’t want a pre-existing condition in my history.

  31. Obamacare was crafted in such a way to insert its tentacles far and wide then get them wrapped tightly around everything in their grasp. The goal was to make straight-up repeal impossible. Unfortunately, as much as I would love it if they could just wave a wand and delete this law from existence, it will require the tenacity and a careful hand — much like defusing a bomb without blowing yourself up.

    This is clipping the first wire. It’s a start.

    My one concern is that Republicans will lose their nerve midway through defusing this giant stink bomb and they won’t finish the job.

    Sorry to sound cynical. But the Congressional Republicans don’t have the best track record.

  32. Yeah Menderman, I do remember. And ever since that option was eliminated I’ve had to change policies every year. Now I have some things presenting themselves, (being 61 years old) and I am concerned about getting a diagnosis because it’s going to viewed as a pre-existing condition. I’ve been self employed for 30 plus years and was never without health insurance. I know there are millions like me, it’s a crock of shit.

  33. Anybody that thinks that Ted Cruz would have more success than President Trump has, is out of their minds. Cruz is a valuable ally(?) but he would not have accomplished half of what Trump has. We have such a mess on our hands 4 months of a really good president only gets the ball rolling in the right direction. As critical as I may sound I’m still on the Trump Train.

  34. This was a good day for all of us. Obama care is dead, we are moving on, get back on the Trump train. Soon we will be able to buy real insurance that we can afford, I for one am tired of paying $18,000.00 a year base with a $6,000.00 a year deductible per person’
    Now on to the budget. Every one needs to watch this press conference to the very end, and then tell me that Trump got rolled by the Dems. It was a great week for team Trump, and that means US.
    This is how to get the real news right from the source.

  35. Joe6 and Menderman, it’s a disgrace that you have to do anything other than get the best medical care possible for yourselves.

    My solution would be simple – in order to sell health insurance in the US, the insurance companies would have to sell nationwide, and could only get the most basic info – age, sex, city. Fuck ’em, that’s all they could know. Then they give a quote, and factor in the pre existing risk across the whole population of customers.

    I’m not a fan of incrementalism, but we got pushed incredibly far to the left incrementally. If we can move back towards constitutional common sense incrementally, we are winning. Trump is no ideologue, but he’s infinitely better than Monica’s boyfriend’s wife, Bigly.

    Paul Ryan still needs to go, by the way…

  36. @Boehnerdict Ryan Arnold — yes, if you live in WA. And yes, self-employed. We pay enough each year to go on a dream vacation — every, single year! We must be idiots or fools to put up with this.

    Our catastrophic insurance started at $300.00/month.

  37. @Joe 6 Pack — Yes, we are the ones that Oblowmecare is literally killing. People who don’t get that funny sound under the hood checked out for fear it will cost them the farm. Or who are tapped out and can’t afford expensive diagnostics, and get to pay up to their deductible — all out of pocket.

    This past year I developed a strange traveling itch. I lived with it for six months before finally seeing a doc and in the meantime I kept it under control with antihistimines. Guess what? It’s an uncontrollable, chronic itch that is caused by an unknown virus which has never been identified and the only symptom is a chronic, traveling itch. And it’s only control are antihistimines. Now I’m $600.00 poorer to have a doc tell me that. Thankfully the “prescription”
    costs about $7.00 for a 400 OTC tab bottle at Costco.

    OTOH: Three years ago I had my gall bladder out. If we hadn’t had insurance it would have cost $48,000.00. Someone please tell me how on earth gall bladder surgery got to be so expensive. Haven’t docs been taking out gall bladders for a long time? I used to say that I was going to start going to the veterinarian, but they’re just as expensive now.

  38. QUOTE- Boehnerdict Ryan Arnold As i understand, they voted in the AHCA to defund planned parenthood Bigly. Is that true? I can’t keep up.

    For one stinking year.

  39. BFH sorry I thought I was Saul Alinsky? Now I’m a stalker?
    Wow you been to Berkley lately. You don’t like my comments kick my ass off. The Freedom Caucus wasn’t given a chance to negotiate the first bill it was jammed down all our throats. then Trump blamed the Freedom Caucus and said he would work with the Dems. Oh and then Pence started to work with the freedom caucus and now we have a better bill.
    Stalker my ass. I hate people rewriting history and blaming the
    bill better because of the Freedom Caucus? YES!!!!!

  40. Mitch just said the senate is writing its own bill.
    They are not going to use the Ryancare framework.
    Wait until the Rhino’s in the Senate get their greedy little hands on it.
    Hope Mike Lee and Ted Cruz tell us the truth.
    BFH I believe in 8 or 9 years we will have single payer system just as Obama and the rhino’s planned. I’m not the one with the bug up my ass that was OBAMA!

  41. If President Trump really wanted to do something about fixing this mess ASAP he would end Congress’s exemption to obamacare/rinocare. It would change in a day.

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