Trump Demands Florida Call Election For DeSantis, Scott – IOTW Report

Trump Demands Florida Call Election For DeSantis, Scott


The Florida Election should be called in favor of Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis in that large numbers of new ballots showed up out of nowhere, and many ballots are missing or forged. An honest vote count is no longer possible-ballots massively infected. Must go with Election Night!

16 Comments on Trump Demands Florida Call Election For DeSantis, Scott

  1. Lots of luck on that! Commies are running free and wreaking havoc with the abandon and boldness of mental patients set free. Not just in FL. Arizona, Alabama and even California are ‘finding’ ballots, after republican wins. Notice, no found republican finds after republican loss.

    The picture of the pissed off losers of 2016 becomes more clear. They had it in the bag with ballot hijacking, but the electoral process bit them in the butt.

    We will never have a true election again, unless this is stopped now! Call in the Feds, like that bastard Obama did!

  2. @Mighty Mojo…

    “The picture of the pissed off losers of 2016 becomes more clear. They had it in the bag with ballot hijacking, but the electoral process bit them in the butt.”

    That’s why they waited so long to call GA that night; Dems were hoping that demographics had shifted in their favor, but GA wasn’t quite there yet. Now it is, as are several other once-Red states. It’s getting tighter everywhere as the Dems bring the margin into cheating range. Just wait until the House passes the National Felon Voting Rights Act. Cocaine Mitch had better hold the line.

  3. “then we can end this once and for all.”

    …while that would be cathartic and would resolve our IMMEDIATE problem, @Anonymous, you can kill EVERY ONE of them and it would STILL not be ended “for all”. It’s like taking a crap, it provides relief, but bad stuff is ALWAYS backing up until you have to do it AGAIN.

    As Major General James Jackson once said,
    “Some one has justly remarked, that ‘eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.’ Let the sentinels on the watch-tower sleep not, and slumber not.”
    We COULD clear out the CURRENT problem, but it is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to KEEP clearing it out. Someone will ALWAYS find evil easier then good, and a new Democrat is born…

    …Still, we have to make the effort, both for ourselves and for those that come after. As JRR Tolkien once said, in “The Return of the King”…

    “It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succor of those years wherein we are set, uprooting the evil in the fields that we know, so that those who live after may have clean earth to till,” he said. “What weather they shall have is not ours to rule.”

  4. “Just wait until the House passes the National Felon Voting Rights Act.”

    …and solidifies the “right” of illegals to vote wherever and whenever they please, and don’t forget that there will be more dead people in 2020 than there are today, and anything corrupt, whether physically or spiritually, is always a reliable Democrat vote…

  5. There is no way to make everyone happy by recounting votes. Only possible solution is to hold a Special Election, but this time with some serious adult supervision. Of course, this will cost a small fortune. But when have poiticians ever worried about spending other people’s money?

  6. We need to go back to a system similar to the old pull-the-curtain, pull-the-lever giant adding machines.

    These machines could be verified at zero at the beginning of (one) election day. They could be continuously watched. Their functioning could be continuously verified. Each machine’s tally could be collected and verified correct at the end of the day. The tallies from every machine could then be added together at the end of voting.

    How hard is this.

  7. @Mighty Mojo

    Ballot stuffing and election stealing is no big deal to sickos who think nothing of killing defenseless babies still in the womb and allowing murderers into the country.

    When they’re caught lying or cheating or killing, It’s “So what”.


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