Trump Derangement Syndrome CURED: Hollywood liberal admits he was WRONG – IOTW Report

Trump Derangement Syndrome CURED: Hollywood liberal admits he was WRONG


While there is no official cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome, some of those afflicted with the disease are spontaneously healing themselves.

Whether it’s the thought of Comrade Kamala forcing price controls, the realization that the senile president of the United States has likely been vacationing on a beach the past three and a half years, or that inflation is quite literally out of control — no one can be sure.

But Hollywood actor Michael Rapaport is sure of one thing: that he was wrong.

“I was the first in line talking s**t about Trump,” Rapaport told Sage Steele in an interview. “I was all day every day.” more

13 Comments on Trump Derangement Syndrome CURED: Hollywood liberal admits he was WRONG

  1. Tell me what’s rolled out of Trumps mouth that inappropriate? Besides grab them by the kitty? This guy’s mouth is a sewer. He’s only pulling this shit to try and stand out and boost his miserable career. He’s a hypocrite. A real self appointed bad ass tuff guy. Fuck him.

  2. “I’m not saying I’m going to vote Republican,” Rapaport fired back, though Steele had some receipts to pull out.

    Translation – “I will vote for Trump, but it will be hush, hush because I dont want the Hollywood elite to know I went against them. I’m a puppet and afraid to speak my mind, because I still need to work, you know.”

  3. It’s amazing that those with TDS base their opinions / votes on Trumps personality or what he might say. It seems they do not consider the important things like energy independence, lower taxation, common sense governance and just how leftist policies are destroying the country and its standing on the world stage. It’s as if they are voting for their own demise based upon nothing more than their fragile feelings.

  4. I’ve been trying to do some research on the mental characteristics of the Progressive Left, but it’s a slog through data and statistics mostly filtered by researchers who themselves seem inherently biased. Pew Research, for example, is described as an apolitical, ideologically-neutral research org located in Washington D.C.. Hmm. I’m unconvinced of their neutrality.

    If you sift through enough of the studies, however, at least a fact pattern begins to emerge which suggests people like our friend Rappaport, here, has taken a YUGE step in admitting he was wrong about some stuff he was previously so unshakably welded to. His admission is not nothing. It indicates a fatal chink in his Progressive Left armor. There’s a place of disintegration happening to him that is extremely unpleasant, as he sorts out who he is now, now that he’s allowed something new into what he believes.

    There’s a big win here for Americans when so-called Leftist influencers make such declarations.

  5. I’m all for socialists, communists, demonrats, and other assorted nazi/fascist totalitarian maggots waking up and speaking about it.

    We shouldn’t discourage them.

    And as for being liars and hypocrites, the simple fact is that no one would have ever heard from any of them if they weren’t.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Sinners repenting might make a difference in teh eyes of the Lord(if you believe that sort of thing).
    Nothing can make up for the damage assholes like this have already done.
    The “Walk Away” movement under Straka is good to see, but they helped get us here long before they found their principles.


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