Trump Derangement Syndrome Ignores That the Past 6 Presidents Blocked Certain Immigration Blocks – IOTW Report

Trump Derangement Syndrome Ignores That the Past 6 Presidents Blocked Certain Immigration Blocks

Trump is a xenophobe, a racist and let’s just throw Nazi in there because it sounds good to the #NeverTrump mouthbreathers.

The last 6 presidents have all used their powers to block certain groups from entering the U.S.

Grant you, I fully expect the left to not care about hypocrisy and simply soil themselves in public and fling the poo, but I get depressed when the right acts like the left.

I’ve never seen the right bite the pillow over any group being blocked from entering the U.S., but suddenly, for political expedience, the #NeverTrump mob is OUTRAGED, outraged I tell you, that a Nazi is running on the GOP ticket.

The right simply loves them some Muslim refugees all of a sudden…  Quislings.


Donald Trump has received much flak from Democrats and Republicans alike for his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the U.S through executive authority. However, the past six presidents have all used the executive power to bar different classes of immigrants.

Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 states: “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

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30 Comments on Trump Derangement Syndrome Ignores That the Past 6 Presidents Blocked Certain Immigration Blocks

  1. Fur, For the same reason we are depressed and frustrated that the progressives push the obvious lie that Islam is a religion of peace and that ‘radical’ Islam is an aberration, a perversion of a peaceful religion, many of us are frustrated and depressed that most people — especially Republicans and “True Conservatives, Inc.” — cannot see that the anti-/”NeverTrump” coalition is the other side of the same coin of the governing political class. They share the same goals and the same need to obtain and retain power and money.

    I have no delusions about this. As soon as everyone understands this as much as they understand that Islam is wholly opposed to the West, the sooner we can find solutions. Not until then.

  2. Menderman ,On the money. Fucking Spineless Cowards.

    You can thumb me down, but then reach down and grab your nut sack and type in why. I know you’re Cruz supporters because they were all cowards with bad judgment in the first place. Now, for your own self respect, thumb my ass down. But be a man and tell me why. Fucking pussies.

  3. BB — Oh. I know, often I just write an observation or something no one could disagree with and and I get the pile on. It’s childish. So stupid to hate someone you don’t even know. I don’t get that worked up over people I do know.

  4. Six people TD’d me on my BP post about Pamela Geller supporting Trump. Hey, I don’t write the news. I was glad to see her agreeing that he, and not Hillary, is going to help save this nation from Islamic terrorism. How can anyone but a moron disagree with that? What? Do we have a bunch of pro-ISIS people here, now?

  5. Of this I am certain. Over time, NeverTrump is going to look dumber, crazier, and more petulant.
    They have no coherent reason for blocking Trump and ushering in Hillary other than…
    well, nothing.

    I think it’s something about not letting pristine principles be sullied by voting for Trump, while Hillary sullies everyone and everything other than their principles.

    Or, I think it’s because Trump is worse than Hillary…somehow.

  6. Menderman, Think man. Are you still thumbing down Trump people? Did MJA go “whoops looks like Trumps are guy? I’m not taking about you guys. I’m talking about the sore losers that are more concerned about how to slide Teddy into a contrasted convention than realizing “Hey, this guy wasn’t my first choice, but for the good of the country we need him elected”. These people the the Confederacy is still alive. They white noise and a waste of time. Not to mention cowards.

  7. Menderman, I’m actually an impatient winner. And I have this deep rooted fear no Republican/Conservative can ever win the presidency again. Mean while I got dumb ass retards proving that point.
    I read a post by Meerkat earlier in the day were he wanted a pat on the head for deciding Trump was maybe worth voting for. He didn’t get it and he doesn’t get it. This is war. I mean shit the gays are on our side. Figure it out. Quick.

  8. Fur, it’s more than that. For many it’s personal. It’s unusual for me not to get at least 2 or more TD’s all the time — even for neutral statements of fact. I wear them as a badge of honor 🙂 I had the courage of my convictions, I stated my reasons and held them in the face of terrific opposition. If someone else had won the nomination, I would now be rooting them on. I’m tickled, though, that for the first time in my adult life, I get to vote for someone for president that I really like — not just because of issues, but as a person.

  9. Menderman, you have to realize you are dealing with a couple of children who whine about getting Thumbs Down on the internet. You will never be right to them no matter what stance you take. Even if it their own.

  10. Mr. Hat. And you thought we were over the hump and all the wounds and bad feelings were done, it does not look like it to me. This constant back biting and tearing Trump and each other down here is not getting us closer to the goal of winning the game. Lines have been drawn and I don’t think we can get them to cross over to our side.
    We are wasting our time on them, they want us to kiss their ass, facts be damned.

  11. I disagree.
    I think after the convention is over and the people who have a dream of delegates abandoning Trump, and Cruz being body surfed out of the convention hall, falls to pieces there will be another period of idiocy where they get mad again. Then the debates will start and the delineation between Trump and Clinton will be stark and the tone will change, and people who still cling to NeverTrump will begin to be ostracized, and rightly so, because they will be facilitating a Hillary win. And, as Breitbart says, if you’re aligning with the left, more than shame on you, you’re on the other side.

    And when some cheeseteeth tries to say, “Trump IS the other side,” that person will be pointed at, and laughed at, because the contrast between Clinton and Trump will be stark, I can assure you.

  12. I really hope you are right. Having been in the trenches fighting on the phones for Trump I know how hard it is to change minds. All is not lost yet, keep up the good fight Mr. Hat. If Pamela is on our side that’s a big plus.

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