Trump District Democrats About To Face $2.5 Million In Opposition Ads – IOTW Report

Trump District Democrats About To Face $2.5 Million In Opposition Ads


The conservative American Action Network (AAN) is slated to run a $2.5 million ad campaign targeting vulnerable pro-impeachment Democrats representing congressional districts won by President Trump in 2016.

The America Action Network, which Politico describes as a “powerful GOP 501(c)(4),” is slated to launch a four-week ad blitz against 11 vulnerable Democrats who represent Trump-won districts. More

3 Comments on Trump District Democrats About To Face $2.5 Million In Opposition Ads

  1. I hope they find another ad company because the one at the link is not only common as dirt (for a political ad), it’s sending the WRONG message. The talking woman is telling the incumbent to “get back to work on issues that matter.” Is this a GOP ad or what? No! We don’t want these people getting back to work! We want them GONE!


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