Trump: DOJ Investigating if My Personal Phone Calls Were Monitored in 2016 – IOTW Report

Trump: DOJ Investigating if My Personal Phone Calls Were Monitored in 2016


President Trump says the Department of Justice is probing whether or not his personal phone calls were surreptitiously monitored during the 2016 election.

Speaking to Fox News’ Sean Hannity last night, Trump said, Attorney General William Barr is working hard to investigate the matter.

“The fact is, they were spying on my campaign, using intelligence agencies to do it. … We’re trying to figure out whether they listened to my calls. That would be the ultimate,” he said. “We’ll see what happens. If that happens, we’ll probably find out. If they spied on my campaign and they may have, it will be one of the great revelations in history of this country. It will be very interesting. I think we’re gonna find out.”

Watch interview

10 Comments on Trump: DOJ Investigating if My Personal Phone Calls Were Monitored in 2016

  1. It doesn’t make any damn difference if they did, or didn’t. There is already enough evidence in hand of wrongdoing to put these TRAITOROUS BASTARDS either in jail or at the end of a rope. Trying to find one more relatively meaningless offense compared to what we already know just tells me no one is serious about any of this shit. Everyone just looking at the calendar, c’mon statute of limitations.

  2. Tony R is right. Our President is a proficient ball breaker. He’s outfoxing the bastards at every turn.
    I may have mentioned this before, but one day years ago a group of us tradesmen were having our 10am coffee break when he came through the lobby with a group of suits, contractors etc.
    He looked over at us and sternly said: You guys are killing me, killing me. Then he gave us two thumbs up and a big smile. We gave him a big cheer. Great guy as I see him.


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