Trump Dresses Down CNN Globally – Trumpsplains How FAIR Trade Works – IOTW Report

Trump Dresses Down CNN Globally – Trumpsplains How FAIR Trade Works

9 Comments on Trump Dresses Down CNN Globally – Trumpsplains How FAIR Trade Works

  1. LMAO! “Who are you with out of curiosity?”

    As soon as Trump heard that totally ridiculous question, he had to know it was CNN. Calling them out as fake news, I never get tired of it!

  2. I loved the look he shot to the other side of the room when the guy said “CNN”. haahaha!

    I watched an interview of Trump on Letterman’s show in 1980 or ’81. It seemed like it might have been his first time on Letterman. Letterman was needling him to disclose his net worth — over and over again. Trump patiently explained each time that he wasn’t going to provide that info. He had a very long fuse and met Letterman’s questions with a great deal of humor. But finally Trump had enough and basically took over Letterman’s audience. He has a way of winning over people to his side wherever he goes, doesn’t he?


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