Trump drops a bomb on one of the squad – Omar’s marriage to her brother – IOTW Report

Trump drops a bomb on one of the squad – Omar’s marriage to her brother

ht/ hot salsa

33 Comments on Trump drops a bomb on one of the squad – Omar’s marriage to her brother

  1. Glad he waited until he was asked about it instead of lobbing a bomb out there on his own. These people are stupid. Every time they turn around Trump is kicking their ass from another direction!

  2. I think Trump had a little insider knowledge of that squad members skeletons in the closet. And Perhaps some possible legal ramifications for her coming soon… (sorry for the hope porn).
    We are close enough to campaign season to admit that its all preplanned and approved media tweeks from here on out (even if its only Trump doing it)

  3. The Minneapolis Star Tribune has covered this a bit. I’ve been anticipating the President bringing up the subject, seeing how the Fakestream Media won’t touch it. There’s some real discrepancies with her background.

    The man is single-handedly fighting the juggernaut of Media lies for you and me.

  4. Mr. Trump is the kind of swordsman that will place the point of his sword in his enemies’ path where they will impale themselves on it as if by their volition

  5. Bring it on. Fuck ’em. If she married her brother and he fucked a goat. Let it be known.
    And don’t depend on CNN. etc. for the facts.
    But the President will bring up the question. What’s wrong with that?
    Hey Don Lemon, check it out. There may be some truth to it. Did she marry her brother, and maybe even fuck him?

  6. I thought that is why all the low life 3rd world cruddy denizens wanted into the United Sates, by hook or crook, was because they know that the corrupt Supreme Court cruds will bend over backwards to allow them to marry their own family members and have illicit affairs with goats and other biological animals!

  7. I’m praying Trump goes nuclear on the Washington establishment after he wins the next election. At that point, he has four years to clean out the sewer and he has hopefully gathered a core of advisers he can trust. Declassify everything. Treason and sedition charges by the wheelbarrow. Unseal Obama’s records and let’s learn the truth about him. Lord help us, there is no warrior on the horizon to replace him after his second term.

  8. There is no shame in that incestuous evil Islamic cow. Omar goes balistic over everything because she’s unbalanced. Bred to be a terrorist. President Trump knows how to push her buttons and get her to reveal more of her demented hatred for America.

  9. The fake news crew is so stoopid it’s incredible. In the process of criticizing Trump for acknowledging the marrying of her brother they are comparing this outrage to the obama birther story. Now we can start talking about the fraudulent birth certificate again, and it’s the press that started it. obama blows a gasket, and gasket is not some guys nickname.

  10. She considers her sharia marriage (the one to her current husband) valid, but not her marriage under U.S. law (the marriage to her brother) because she has no regard for U.S. law. Her religion is actually another political system under which she operates. We have trouble understanding this. To her, it makes perfect sense.

  11. Trump! Ah-ah
    Savior of America
    Trump! Ah-ah
    He’ll save everyone of us
    Trump! Ah-ah
    He’s a miracle
    Trump! Ah-ah
    King of the impossible
    He’s for every one of us
    Stand for every one of us
    He saves with a mighty hand
    Every man, every woman
    Every child, it’s the mighty Trump!
    (What do you mean Donald Trump approaching?)
    (Open fire! All weapons!)
    (Dispatch war rocket Ajax to bring back his body)
    Trump! Ah-ah
    (Donalds alive!)


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