Trump Drops F-Bomb on John Kerry and Climate Change, Crowd Howls – IOTW Report

Trump Drops F-Bomb on John Kerry and Climate Change, Crowd Howls

19 Comments on Trump Drops F-Bomb on John Kerry and Climate Change, Crowd Howls

  1. He rarely swears in public, but when he does, it is extremely effective & Purposeful.

    CNN, MSNBC, & the rest will dwell on this and inadvertently give it resonance.

    Personally, I liked the Chris Wallace, What a looser.

  2. Never a dull moment with The Donald.
    The legacy media will be clutching their pearls.
    Brian Stelter just fainted, face down in a family size bag of sour cream flavored chips. Stephen Colbert’s spastic colon began bleeding and Joy Behar needed the Heimlich procedure because she choked on her cud.

  3. They attack CO2. A minor green house gas on the spectrum, but a big by product of a capitalist society. Why, because they are really attacking capitalism, and always have been. It’s what leftists do.


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