Trump economic adviser predicts Blue States near ‘rioting in the streets’ if shutdown continues – IOTW Report

Trump economic adviser predicts Blue States near ‘rioting in the streets’ if shutdown continues

Just The News: ‘People are not going to put up with the government Keeping them in a state of impoverishment, which is what they’re doing,’ economist Stephen Moore told Just the News.

A key 2016 Trump campaign adviser and current member of the Trump Economic Recovery Task Force said he predicted “almost rioting in the streets,” particularly in Democratic-held states, if people are kept in “state of impoverishment” through a continued economic shutdown due to coronavirus.

Stephen Moore, now an informal Trump economic adviser who served during the Trump 2016 presidential campaign, told Just the News on Thursday that the widespread coronavirus economic shutdown should not have occurred at all and that it is dragging on for too long, especially in Democratic-held states.

“My prediction is if these Blue States try to stay closed down for more than two or three more weeks, you’re going to start to see almost rioting in the streets because people are not going to put up with the government keeping them in a state of impoverishment, which is what they’re doing,” said Moore, who was nominated in 2019 by President Trump to join the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. Moore later withdrew his nomination. read more

28 Comments on Trump economic adviser predicts Blue States near ‘rioting in the streets’ if shutdown continues

  1. You wanna work? Join the new army of virus checkers and family separators. We have plenty of newly vacant prison cells for those who don’t like the new order.

  2. @Anonymous MAY 15, 2020 AT 1:28 AM
    Martial law is the goal. Get it yet?

    Just WTF are you talking about, Willis?
    Thank you for not typing “Marshall Law.”

  3. “Trump economic adviser predicts Blue States near ‘rioting in the streets’ if shutdown continues”


    “Trump security advisors warn of food riots in mismanaged Blue states and cities.”

    Hi, kiddies, it’s 1965 all over again. Be sure to vote a dRat out of office this year.

  4. stay closed down for more than two or three more weeks

    This is why the shutdown was announced in stages. First it was just going to be a couple weeks to manage hospitals, we could all live with that. This gave time to let the media and politicians dish out fear and people hung onto their words buying every word they said as if the media and politicians are health experts. Constantly drilling higher and higher numbers into our heads, so they got away with announcing another lockdown month, and then another month. They realized we weren’t buying all the BS so we entered the “reopen phase,” in “small calculated steps” to see what happens and not to overwhelm the hospitals with a second wave. This gave hope that someday SOON we’d be back to “normal.” As the reopen has ever so slowly progressed notice how the media outlets and politicians come out with hit pieces like, “normal will come again, just not the same normal” and telling us we need to have a treatment and/or vaccine before we’re back to some sort of so called normal.

    More suspect when states started announcing phases for reopening. These phases are designed to give people hope, yet their goals are not achievable in any sort of reasonable timeframe. Right on cue, Dr. Fauxi starts telling the nation that the 2020/2021 school year be canceled nationwide.

    As I’ve discussed with my wife for the past month and a half, this shit isn’t going to end until we the people demand that it end. The so called experts in charge won’t end the shutdown on their own, none of them are negatively affected by this and only stand to lose power once it’s over with. The reported inflated numbers are absolute BS, entirely opposite what China has done to hide their numbers. The whole damn world has become a cesspool for corrupt reporting and sadly the US is leading that charge. Convid-1984 is a great tool for accelerating the race to the bottom.

  5. They should hold onto a bit of that anger until Nov, and cast rebellion votes to turn their states from blue to red. But I doubt they will or doubt they will out number the people that turned their state blue to begin with.

  6. “rioting in the streets”

    so the democrat plan is working as expected ?

    DJT’s plan to let the governors run their states results in the perfect lesson for the citizens.

    “sometimes you need to show people, not just tell them”

  7. ” Maybe they’ll vote for change leadership, you know, next time.”

    I doubt it.

    Anyway, if they do start rioting in the streets to get their freedom back I’be be tempted to join them if I wasn’t way too old, but maybe I could still figure out some way to at least give them some support in their efforts while we were going up against the same enemy.

  8. flip
    MAY 15, 2020 AT 2:34 AM
    “@Anonymous MAY 15, 2020 AT 1:28 AM
    Martial law is the goal. Get it yet?

    Just WTF are you talking about, Willis?
    Thank you for not typing “Marshall Law”

    …could be worse…I’ve seen it as “Marital Law” too, which CAN be highly destructive, but usually only affects 2 people (and their kids)…

  9. Anonymous
    MAY 15, 2020 AT 5:23 AM
    ” Anyway, if they do start rioting in the streets to get their freedom back I’be be tempted to join them if I wasn’t way too old, but maybe I could still figure out some way to at least give them some support in their efforts while we were going up against the same enemy.”

    …upper window.

    …scoped rifle.

    …just sayin’…

  10. flip
    MAY 15, 2020 AT 1:13 AM
    “Detroit could not be reached for comment.”

    …but if they could be, they’d tell you they still blame Republicans and vote Democrat.

    The thoroughly indoctrinated never rise above their indoctrination, and it’s MUCH easier to believe it’s all Whitey’s fault and collect a free phone, free housing, and a check than actually, you know, work to better themselves…

    …also, if you look at urban populations, the thug class never followed this law, like any OTHER law, anyway, and there isn’t a Democrat alive who would MAKE them…the plan was, is, and will always be to pen the SHEEP, not the WOLVES…the predators are allowed to circle outside and devour who they may as an unpoken threat to help keep the sheep contained so their self-appointed shepherds can shear them at will and choose out the fsttest

  11. I see a lot of resignation, but not a lot of fight.

    My only observation is why so few black people at the protests?

    Or is Constitutional rights a white thing, after all?

  12. A third protest is scheduled for tomorrow in Augusta.
    These dictatorial wannabe tyrants won’t be stopped until people get the will to just open and screw the Governors.
    After the protests they give one little thing. Like okay, you can get a haircut but with all these strings attached.
    The sheeple bleet on facebook with thank-you’s and how wonderfuls and isn’t that great.
    All I can see when these sheeple are bleeting is that scene from “Animal House” with Kevin Bacon. “Thank-you sir. May I have another?”

  13. The ballot box won’t change a thing. The beasts have tasted blood and now they’re full blown vampires. They only thing that will effect change is a stake through the heart. Question is, do the American people have a sack big enough. Don’t think these wannabe dictators are going to stop without being forced.

  14. democRATs will just keep moving the goal posts… right into the next civil war!
    It’s all about the chaos with these Misery Merchants.
    Dead bodies give them their desperately needed platform to stand on and pontificate from!

  15. @Supernightshade May 15, 2020 at 6:10 am

    > …upper window.
    > …scoped rifle.
    > …just sayin’…

    Indeed. This. This is why, anybody, everybody, with the wherewithal to make a difference, any difference, has less than no interest.

    (Alright. As long as I’m here. Burning bandwidth. And a match.

    Far enough away [back] from the opening [which need not be a window — in fact, better if not], that there is no line of sight to you, except from midair, and the area you’ve targeted. And make sure the aperture being open is normal. Always open; all open, for now; open now, because sometimes open, sometimes not. Even guessing which brick mountain “it” came from, can not narrow down which aperture.

    You’re welcome.)

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