Trump-Effect on Arab Nations – IOTW Report

Trump-Effect on Arab Nations

Conservative Treehouse-

Jordan will downgrade its diplomatic representation with Qatar, it said on Tuesday, standing with several Arab powers that have cut ties with the tiny Gulf state.

The decision was made after Amman examined the “cause of the crisis” between Doha and the other Arab states, government spokesman Mohammed al Momani said.

He added that Jordan also revoked the TV license for Al Jazeera, Qatar’s influential state-owned satellite channel.  (link)

What we are seeing unfold is a seismic shift in Arab sentiment away from the extremist Muslim Brotherhood.  This action is 100% the result of months of careful diplomacy between the Trump Administration and members of the Gulf Cooperation Council in a modern coalition to confront political Islam and the extremist messaging that results in terrorism.

The U.S. and Western Media never reported on the frequency of high diplomatic engagement by President Trump in the lead-up to his historic visit to Saudi Arabia.  It is specifically because of this willfully blind and intentional void in prior diplomatic understanding that most media are missing how this approach was constructed.

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ht/ all too much

11 Comments on Trump-Effect on Arab Nations

  1. . . . and to add that when Trump went to the wailing wall, as the only sitting Pres to do so, he broke a spiritual wall too. Things are going to change. The USA will be blessed because of it, ISIS is being killed off and islam will not be the power it was in the West, IMHO.

  2. Civilization and Islam will eventually have to have it out. What this says to me is that the wiser among them may be deciding now is not the time. Less conflict now may mean more later, unfortunately.

  3. Compare this exchange with any leaders comments regarding obama:

    “Mr. President, let me express our appreciation and respect,” Sisi said through a translator during a photo op. Sisi had met Trump in April when the Egyptian leader called on Trump at the White House.

    “Let me say that you have a unique personality that is capable of doing the impossible,” The president of Egypt said.

    “That’s very interesting … I agree,” Trump said.

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