Trump Eyeing Rubio for Veep – IOTW Report

Trump Eyeing Rubio for Veep


Donald Trump’s shortlist for running mate “remains on the long side” with enough names “to fill an entire season of The Apprentice,” per NBC News, though a familiar name is reportedly moving up that list: Marco Rubio. The third-term Florida senator who ran against Trump in 2016 is among Trump’s potential picks for vice president, multiple outlets are reporting. “Rubio, the Miami-born son of working-class Cuban immigrants, looks good on paper and on television—a powerful combination for Trump” and if chosen, “would be the first nonwhite person ever to make a Republican presidential ticket, per NBC. “Choosing Rubio could be seen as an indication of how the Trump campaign wants to appeal to the Hispanic vote,” per CBS News.


43 Comments on Trump Eyeing Rubio for Veep

  1. I’d rather have Tulsi than Marco. Although I think there are better options.
    Haven’t heard much recently from Tulsi, I wonder why she is less vocal these very important days.

  2. If someone could convince me that Rubio would be the difference between a Trump victory and a defeat, I would say “Great!” But otherwise, I would say “No” as I can’t tell who the man really is. One day he acts Republican, the next day like a RINO, then like a Democrat, then a bit Libertarian and sometimes he even seems squarely a member of the Uniparty.

    (Note: and by “Trump victory,” I expect that it needs to be big enough to overwhelm another stolen election.)

  3. There are many good women available that CommonSenseGuy lists, so that should be his pick.
    A woman would balance him and as a bonus stifle a bit of the MSM.
    Kristi Noem would be my pick.
    Sarah Huckabee a second choice.


  4. @Mr_Pinko short list

    Kari Lake (Her communication skills counter-balance Trump in the media – she knows the media’s game and plays it well)

    Kristi Noem (not high on the list)

    Tulsi Gabbard (great communicator but a Democrat at heart)

    Marjorie Taylor Greene (Media rips her apart like Trump – the pair might be too toxic for the public to ingest all that EXTRA BS from the media.)

    Tim Scott

    Byron Donalds

    By just going by the name brand ONLY (not political views or the person). The ballot name – it’s a winning ticket. And I do not want to see it.


  5. Mr. Pinko
    “Tulsi Gabbard (great communicator but a Democrat at heart)”

    WRONG. Please do yourself a favor and watch the above video I attached. Also the thing about Tulsi is she’s going to suck a lot of peeps into the tent. The hardcore military/tactical/gun crowd love the hell out of her and that’s quite the transformation from where she started.
    Odds of Trump actually picking her? Slim to none but I think she deserves a high profile spot in his admin. She does love our country.

  6. @mr_pinko

    No question. She did endorse Biden in 2020. But where has she been spending all of her time lately? On FOX defending Trump and hanging out at Mar A Lago. As far as gun control you obviously did not watch my video. I believe it is possible for people to transition. And that women has strait up had an epiphany.
    But here’s the deal. I’m attracted to her, and to a certain extent RFK jr too, because like Trump I think they put our country first. And maybe that’s more important right now than “some” political positions. Because the mxther fxckers currently in charge are out to destroy it.

  7. The Tulsi debate won’t stop until she explains her previous politics and how anti-Constitution they were (still are? – @mr_pinko’s point, I think).

    The way she speaks now, she sounds a lot like us, here. She could be the future after Trump. (Assuming we have one. The Communist momentum in this country is extremely high.))

  8. Here’s the deal. I agree with you about Tulsi’s attraction for votes but other than that – cannot trust her as far as you can throw her.

    The only one that seems most trustworthy when it comes to allegiance to Trump is Kari Lake.

    All others are out for a personal, political advancement agenda including Tulsi. She cannot be trusted.

  9. I’m just looking at the 2 names together on a ballot – nothing else.

    Trump / Kennedy

    Makes a great bumper sticker for the (majority) uninformed American public. And it ends there.

  10. @mr_pinko

    “Boehner” lol. Yea I used to be pretty impressed with how statesman like he could present himself. And then the crying started.
    I would not consider Tulsi a fair weather politician. Remember back during the Halfricans first term and Tulsi made the accusation that the administration was arming the very people our soldiers were fighting. She formed a by partisan group, flew over there and proved it. That was like 18 years ago. And the beginning of her exit from libtardville. They didn’t like her much after that.

    Valid point about the bumper sticker.

  11. Here’s another deal. How, on God’s green Earth, could a smart patriotic person like Tulsi run and get elected as a Democrat, give her support behind an avowed S**ialist, Bernie Sanders, publicly support Biden for President in 2020, refuse to vote ‘No’ on impeaching Trump, advocate for gun control and suddenly be a Trump supporter?

    The first time I heard her speak, I thought to myself, “She used a Democrat political identity just to get elected in Hawaii who would NEVER vote Republican! She’s actually a Conservative who’s gaming the system.” And there are many throughout history who chose their party based on its local dominance, thus raising their election chances.

    I finish the “deal” with how clever she must be to ween herself away from the Democrat tit now that she’s known.

    Yeah, don’t trust her. A little too Machiavellian?

  12. “Democrat political identity just to get elected in Hawaii”

    Last time I was in Maui, last October, there was nothing but vote Trump graffiti. Those people got bitch slapped pretty hard by the coup. Did they learn their lesson? Probably not.

  13. Trump/Kennedy? Sounds like a major mistake to me. Kennedy is in favor of legal citizenship for children of illegal invaders if they are born in the U.S. In favor of mail in ballots. Has not seen evidence of election fraud in 2020. In favor of tax credits for wind power. In favor of increased government regulations for the environment. End all offshore drilling. In favor of single payer healthcare. Supports student loan forgiveness. Wants to increase taxes on the rich to reduce interest rates on student loans. Continue to fund the WHO. No wall on the Southern Border.


    44 years ago conservatives were told by GOP “elite’ that Ronny HAD TO make the man who made LBJ President his VP. -for those <70 that was 1964 – I voted Barry so biased I am!
    The "elite" told us if Bush was not VP he's elect Jimma just as he had LBJ!

    I gnashed my teeth and said OK. In hindsight that was a very bad thing.

    Even had the "Bush Republicans' tried to repeat the LBJ trick Ronny would have won! Not the landslide he got but win.

    dHavaing said that I will admit "Bush bRepublicans" have elected 3 Ds the last 4 elections; AND ALMOST REPEATED THEIR CLINTON TRICK in 2016!


    I do not think he'd betray us like Bush did.

    But I voted for Bush in '88 So maybe I should stick to bean counting and leave politic prognostication to others.

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