Trump: FBI Was ‘Spying on My Campaign…And Now We’re Going to Find Out’ – IOTW Report

Trump: FBI Was ‘Spying on My Campaign…And Now We’re Going to Find Out’

( – Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to release his long-awaited report on FBI FISA abuse on Dec. 9, and bits of it are starting to leak out.

CNN first reported Thursday night that “A former FBI lawyer is under criminal investigation after allegedly altering a document related to 2016 surveillance of a Trump campaign adviser (Carter Page).”

According to CNN: “The possibility of a substantive change to an investigative document is likely to fuel accusations from President Donald Trump and his allies that the FBI committed wrongdoing in its investigation of connections between Russian election meddling and the Trump campaign.”

But The Washington Post reported on Friday that “the alleged misconduct did not affect the overall validity of an application for surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser.”

President Trump, calling in to “Fox & Friends” on Friday morning, was asked if the report “goes to your argument that somebody at the FBI was out to get you?” read more

10 Comments on Trump: FBI Was ‘Spying on My Campaign…And Now We’re Going to Find Out’

  1. You better find out, and prosecute the bad guys! I’m tired of hearing about this shit and nothing happening! We have heard about what a great counter puncher you are, it’s past time to show us!

  2. So far all we’ve seen is republicans either prosecuted or persecuted.
    If all we get is some pajama boy lawyer getting scolded it could get ugly at election time. People have been waiting to see justice for way too long and all the momentum remains with the dems.

  3. Given how deep and widespread the corruption is in DC I suspect that Barr is reluctant to pull the first loose thread and unravel the whole thing. When everyone is guilty to some degree how do you select who to go after.
    If everyone in DC were held to account the entire government would collapse. That may sound good but isn’t realistic.

  4. “the alleged misconduct did not affect the overall validity of an application for surveillance of a former Trump campaign adviser.”

    …AKA “The Ends Justify The Means”, eh, WaPo?

  5. Something is either factual or it isn’t.
    Lots of questions – so far – NO answers.

    The FISA court is based on the GESTAPO courts of yesteryear – no appeal – no semblance of justice – trial and execution (of sentence) performed in shadows.
    This Ted Kennedy/Jimmy Carter abomination needs to be repealed.
    It’s patent un-Constitutionality should have been enough to derail it, and its sponsor and Presidential signature enough to cringe any American into petitioning his CongressCritter to oppose it, but this latest exposure of the treasonous activities of the FBI, CIA, and NSA should apply the impetus to rid us of it (where the Hell has the ACLU been? – OH! because it’s the brainchild and formidable weapon of the inter-national-socialists it’s OK?).

    Since the courts are too cowardly to censure their own abuse (one of their “judges” was either punked or is corrupt – no other option – FISA being an abortion belonging to the Supreme Court) the Legislature should act.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. I’m preparing myself to be disappointed again. Horowitz won’t take it high enough to disrupt the leadership. They were all innocent victims of their underlings overzealous desires to protect the country from foreign interference in our most sacred institution: the Democrat Party!


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