Trump Fights Back Against Enemedia in Trump’s Own Way – And It’s Very Effective – IOTW Report

Trump Fights Back Against Enemedia in Trump’s Own Way – And It’s Very Effective

I think Trump should do more addresses to the nation.

Here’s Bill Whittle’s take-

ht/ PHenry

6 Comments on Trump Fights Back Against Enemedia in Trump’s Own Way – And It’s Very Effective

  1. BB — Um hm. I’m having a very hard time forgiving anyone who was part of the anti-Trump movement. It was so extreme. We could have ended up w/Killery. I know that will change, but not yet.

    I am especially disappointed with people who I thought were a lot smarter than that.

  2. Bill Whittle is a patriot. Yes, he supported another candidate in the primaries, but once Trump won the nomination, Whittle was on board. He was not a Never-Trumper. I don’t understand why some feel the need to attack people who are basically on our side. Do you honestly think Trump would have won if the only people who voted for him were those that were on board at the beginning? Do you think no one changed their minds about who to vote for after Trump won the nomination? Trump wouldn’t be president if only those that were for him at the beginning voted for him.

    It’s hard enough trying to fight the left, without attacking people on the right who are working to help the president, and Bill Whittle is working to help the president.

  3. Who in the hell is “attacking” Whittle?

    It’s about trust and the very legitimate suspicion that people who live in their heads, espousing ideal conditions, should be questioned. Yeah, a lot of people voted for Trump who were against him, and Adam Carolla makes a great joke about all those who say, “Well, he wasn’t my first choice” as a way of maintaining their threadbare dignity.

    Whittle was definitely anti-Trump, just not part of the Gang of 22. Am I grateful he’s using his enormous talent to support the President? Heck yes, but I will probably always question his motivations unless he were to come clean about his change of heart after months of Trump bashing. Just like Levine, Beck and other Conservative luminaries, Whittle makes a living, in part, because of his political commentary.

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