Bongino.com: This week, President Trump and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson ended the Obama-Biden administration’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) rule.
AFFH was a wildly radical regulation that built on the 1968 Fair Housing Act, which outlawed selling or renting a house to any person due to race, color, religion or national origin. According to Stanley Kurtz at National Review, there was no basis for the Obama-era regulation in the 1968 law, and that the original law clearly was not meant to have seemingly random meanings attached overtime, such as “economic integration, hyper-dense ‘transit oriented development,’ hostility to automobiles in the name of global warming, regional (rather than local) governance, and more.” more
Leftists are making this a racial issue. It is not. We had plenty of minorities move into our neighborhood; they were escaping the inner city shitholes just like we were. They became a part of the neighborhood, and were welcome to pull up a beer and join in.
The real question, in my mind, is this: Why the hell is there federal aid??? Stop federal handouts to states for anything. Then cut taxes, and let the states conduct their own ‘Great Experiments’.
Keep kicking em’ in the ass President Trump, we ❤️ love it!
A Bolshevik social engineer with big floppy ears who takes it up the old dirt road nightly from a gargantuan transvestite.
That’s just who we need directing our lives.
@ Gin Blossom
it only hurt the first 40 times
There was a ‘canary in a coalmine’ about this subject. His name is Rob Astorino, former Westchester Chief Legislature.
He is on Levin right now.
This rule was and is designed to bring the ‘joys’ of inner city crime to the suburbs and to change voting patterns. If the suburban soccer moms vote for Biden they’d be voting for their own demise.
the county I now abide in, not my original county of the first 35 years of my life, was a rural area when I moved into back in 1991. Tobacco was the principle crop … times sure have changed
today, it’s one of the top 15 median-income counties in the US & has turned into a ‘bedroom’ county for the federal gov’t.
when I move, there was a restriction of at least one acre per single home … now, w/ a county commission that are all republican (& half are ‘former’ d’rats … because they couldn’t get elected as d’rats) we now have practically nothing but high-density apartments & townhouses w/ ‘urban setting’ ‘master-plan’ shopping district w/ urban apartment bullcrap ‘green-space’ parks & bike paths
…. time to go …. sadly