Trump Finally Has the Wind at his Back – IOTW Report

Trump Finally Has the Wind at his Back



President Donald Trump has been sailing into the wind, against the tide, dragging an anchor, for the first two years of his presidency. And despite these hindrances, he is presiding over a booming economy and record low unemployment, circumstances that were said to be unattainable without a magic wand, according to the last president.

Yet look at the forces arrayed against Trump. Not only as president, but ever since that fateful day when he descended the escalator at Trump Tower in June 2015 announcing his candidacy. And perhaps before that.

The wind against him has been the virtually nonstop negative media coverage each and every day. Not just anti-Trump spin, but actual fake news. Media outlets bristle when accused of peddling fake news, but one has to only look to last weekend for the latest example. Time columnist Ian Bremmer fabricated a Trump quote and set it loose in the Twitterverse, only to be immediately retweeted by other Trump haters like CNN’s Ana Navarro, before being deleted. No contrition was offered since in their view the quote “could have” been true.

Imagine fighting the winds of negativity on a daily basis, being called a racist, white supremacist, accused of being a Russian agent and committing treason. These were gale force winds from all the major newspapers and television networks, with only a few lone voices on Fox News, talk radio, and the internet giving the President fair and balanced coverage.

The tidal current Trump is sailing against is his own party. He was never accepted as the leader of the GOP, despite winning the White House against long odds with coattails delivering both houses of Congress to the Republicans, only to have the once in a generation opportunity squandered by do-nothings like former Speaker Paul Ryan.

Trump had to fight not only the tide of hating and vengeful Democrats, but many his own party. From John McCain’s surprise thumbs down vote on Obamacare to constant henpecking from Jeff Flake and Cory Gardner, few in the GOP were on Team Trump.

Then there were the NeverTrump crybabies, willing to throw their so-called conservative principles overboard because their chosen candidate wasn’t elected. The names are familiar – Bill Kristol, Max Boot, George Will, and the entire Bush family – all preferring a third term of Barack Obama, in the façade of Hillary Clinton, to a Republican Trump in the White House.


16 Comments on Trump Finally Has the Wind at his Back

  1. Very good article but it still would be nice to start seeing the indictments start to flow if only as a trickle and building. It would especially nice to see a name on one that all citizens would recognize. Doesn’t matter who just that the voter of any type will sit back and think “wait now, I remember him!”

  2. To me, one of the most amazing thing’s about Trump is just how his courage and unflappable iron will has really inspired traditionalists and anti-globalists around the world to stand up. The man is my hero!

  3. Which then leads us to Christopher Cross Sailing:

    Well, it’s not far down to 2020, at least it’s not for me
    And if the wind is right you can sail away on a republican majority
    Oh, the canvassing can do miracles, just you wait and see.
    Believe me.

    It’s not far to President Trump land, no reason to pretend
    And if the wind is right you can find the joy of majority again
    Oh, the canvassing can do miracles, just you wait and see.
    Believe me.

    Sailing the USS Covfefe to where I’ve always heard it could be
    Just an election and the wind to carry me
    And soon we’ll be free

    Fantasy, it gets the best of me when I’m sailing
    All caught up in the reverie, every word is a symphony
    Won’t you believe me?

    Sailing the USS Covfefe to where I’ve always heard it could be
    Just an election and the wind to carry me
    And soon we’ll be free

    Well it’s not far back to sanity, at least it’s not for me
    And if the wind is right you can find the joy of majority
    Oh, the canvassing can do miracles, just you wait and see.
    Believe me.

  4. joe6pak, no, wasn’t there. Should have been but I don’t follow him anymore and didn’t know about this meeting. I have emailed him and I think I will again and tell him that I agree with this woman 100%!

    Edit: Just sent him an email telling him that he no longer belongs in government and that I will be working for his opponent in the next primary.

  5. I can’t think of another man in public life that demonstrates the inner strength of our president. There’s never been another man in the White House that’s had to face these endless attacks. I know he realizes he has broad support from most americans and that we deeply appreciate his efforts. Even with that in mind it’s still astounding. You have to marvel at the mans composure.

  6. Trump finally has the wind at his back while the rest of the phlacid NeverTrumpers stumble around with their dicks in their hands. That includes Mitch Obama too.

  7. This country is actually engaged in open internal warfare that elections will not fix. In any country occupied by an aggressive enemy, the nationalists become victims of oppression. The USA is so much under Communist aggression that nationalist Americans are losing and are not being allowed to resist, being squashed into destruction. Trump is a Norway Quisling and a Vichy France compromiser, but is NOT allowed to be a power wielder by the deep state traitors.

    OPEN BORDERS & ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A Highly Organized Communist Plot to Destroy the USA
    Posted on May 31, 2019 by State of the Nation

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