Trump For Congress??? Hear This Out – IOTW Report

Trump For Congress??? Hear This Out

26 Comments on Trump For Congress??? Hear This Out

  1. Wouldn’t the senate be better?

    1 of 100 for 6 years.

    Up here in Canuckistan, The Senate is lifetime appointed but our house of Common Cocksuckers is 4 years elected.

  2. @Different Tim

    Trump Sr. in senate
    Trump Jr. Congress
    Eric in Congress

    Right as Nancy is too old to wipe her own ass, Nadler already can’t stay awake or manage his sugar & McConnell ousted in humiliation. I’m getting turned on.

    American politics is interesting. Canadian politics is like a human resources lecture in a postal office.

  3. the swamp just stole a moab landslide election ever conducted and every single avenue pursued to correct the wrong decided to look the other way and/or participated in the fraud
    with that system left in place there will never be a free and fair election going forward
    you said you have it all
    release the “goods” on all the swamprats Mr. President & expose the evil wicked deviant frauds that they are

  4. Politicians are Pigs and we all know & tolerate this simple fact.

    What I am more concerned about on a GLOBAL scale is the collusion between the Big Tech Companies, media, & uber rich. That is the big picture long term problem that will ultimately enslave humanity.

    Look at what has happened with Big Tech & Australia lately.

    My Ultimate question for Big Tech is, “Why are you not trying to FREE CHINA from an oppressive communist regime?” like Time Magazine claims you all united to save America from what is ultimately its own conscience & heart. To steer the election in the right direction????

    Hey Bill Gates, I want to see you chow down on laboratory grown meat!

  5. Trump as speaker of the house, impeach both numb nuts and the cunt which makes him prez for two more years of their term and run for re-election again!
    Of course that will only work if we gut the voteing system and go back to paper ballots IN PERSON with I.D. and have the counting done by the military!

  6. To arms countrymen. Now is the time to battle back in the fiercest way possible. They stole the election right in front of our eyes and rubbed our face in it. The takeover has to start immediately. Trump isn’t a young man and the movement will need some fresh blood soon. I believe we could get DJT elected to the House possible speakership and get the momentum for 2024. This is about saving the country and it has to start NOW!

  7. Ok, Marshall I think can see this is no game or same old, same old Republican party. Go away and lay low is what the others think they should do. You must be kidding. I didn’t hear how the election was a complete fraud, which I know they all know happened. They are not dumb but are pretending to be it seems.

    This is what we are surrounded by. Get us to it and PRAY everyday!

    God Bless us all!

  8. 10 years of Mr. Trump as President. I think I’m gonna faint! That would be awesome!
    Get rid of Dominion and other election fraud mechanisms and operatives – it could happen.


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