Trump Froze Taxpayer Funds for a Key Wuhan Lab Collaborator. Biden Just Brought it Back. – IOTW Report

Trump Froze Taxpayer Funds for a Key Wuhan Lab Collaborator. Biden Just Brought it Back.

National Pulse

U.S. taxpayers will once again fund EcoHealth Alliance, a company that has collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) for over a decade, for a project that began on April 26 called: ‘Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.’

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-collaborating nonprofit, EcoHealth, has been granted an annual $576,290 for the next four years by the taxpayer-funded and formerly Fauci-led National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The Wuhan lab itself will contribute to the new project with more than 300 whole and partial genome sequences of SARS-related bat coronaviruses from its collection. EcoHealth staff will analyze various genomes and enzyme receptors to determine how SARS-CoV-2 enters human cells. Yet, the former recombinant virus research that occurred before the pandemic will not be resumed, nor will the project continue to work with live viruses, they claim.

The news will be of little comfort to those who have questions over Fauci, EcoHealth, and Wuhan lab links, with The National Pulse exposing many of these details over the course of 2020/21. read more

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