Trump Gets on Stage and Mocks Those Who Protest Him in ‘Resistance’ Movement and It’s Hilarious – IOTW Report

Trump Gets on Stage and Mocks Those Who Protest Him in ‘Resistance’ Movement and It’s Hilarious

I haven’t seen this yet. I’m posting sight unseen.

ht/ illustr8r

18 Comments on Trump Gets on Stage and Mocks Those Who Protest Him in ‘Resistance’ Movement and It’s Hilarious

  1. Best political speech in a long time. Talks like real person instead of trying to be an articulate wordsmith. Don’t usually watch a whole speech but did this one. Gives you hope. (Gee, sorry O’bummer)

  2. Awesome, However the Right Poop and it’s 68 followers have labeled this as Trump “tooting his own horn”. Migrant workers maybe. They identify with Sooper Mex I guess.

  3. They hate him, he knows they hate him, I love the guy for it. Smart and sarcastic, just like my father.
    Never cared much for politicians, President Trump is a unicorn of a different colour.
    Knows and speaks his own mind, a rare politician indeed.

  4. Isn’t it nice to have POTUS that gives back even a small amount of what he’s slammed continually with.

    Imagine doing your job every day with someone screaming for you to be fired, impeached, egged, or worse?

    Yet he seems to be flourishing and growing larger in office if that is possible.

    Thank you Donald John Trump, President of the USA.

  5. “tooting his own horn” as if those encouraging statistics are reported anywhere on the networks.
    He should toot his own horn, there hasn’t been a turn around like this in decades. MAGA

  6. Dear God,

    May those of us who economically suffered under Obama soon find ourselves caught up in over our heads in the looming and prosperous economic tsunami so that we may once again be a financial blessing to our friends and family. Most importantly, bless us with Your wisdom on how to best handle the prosperity that only comes forth from your giving Hands. Thank you for sending PRESIDENT Trump for being the one to carry out Your Divine Plan.

    In The Name Of The Nazarene…AMEN.

  7. He mixes his positive message in with “outrageous behavior”; MSM can’t report one without the other! Brilliant manipulation of the media. The exploding liberal heads is a bonus.

  8. comedy/timing wise he’s no ronaldus Maxis. No one could deliver a punch line like him, but he’s also not al “frikkin” franken.

    Give me 7 more years of this and i could die happy. But only if obomba dies first so i can piss on his grave.

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