Trump gives his adversaries a Full Moon! – IOTW Report

Trump gives his adversaries a Full Moon!

This is why Twitter is simultaneously hilarious or infuriating. It depends on the mood you’re in.

Take for instance this doucherocket, Buddy Marshall, who claims to be running for office in 2018. (The office is not specified, but I think it’s for Head Idiot in Idiot Village.) He’s hilarious because he’s so stupid. He’s infuriating because he… he’s so stupid.

Here’s the tweet:

What did Trump say that leads this simpleton to say this will land him in prison?

Trump revealed that he really doesn’t know if there are tapes of his conversations with Comey. Could be. Might not be.

In the world of the brain-addled, this is “witness tampering.”

How so? Would Comey’s testimony change if he thought he was on tape, as opposed to not being on tape? That’s called PERJURY, and would land Comey in jail, not Trump.

What Trump did was force a potential witness to TELL THE TRUTH! This pisses off progressives.

Alan Dershowitz, in his rebuttal to morons like “Buddy Marshall,” told an anecdote about Abe Lincoln when Honest Abe was a defense lawyer.

Dershowitz, Via The Hill-

Trump’s bluff was calculated to get Comey to tell the truth. How can that be witness intimidation? If it were, Abraham Lincoln would have gone to prison rather than the White House.

As a young lawyer, he, too, bluffed a witness into telling the truth. In one of his most famous murder cases, a witness testified that he saw Lincoln’s client kill the victim. The time it occurred was at night, so the witness testified that he was able to see the crime because there was a full moon. Lincoln then handed the witness an almanac and asked him to turn to the date in question. The almanac showed that there was no moon on that night, and the witness broke down and admitted that he had not seen the crime. The defendant was acquitted.

Lincoln later acknowledged that he had deliberately fooled the witness into telling the truth by handing him an almanac for the wrong year. The correct year’s almanac indeed showed a full moon.

Trump just gave his enemies the full moon. Honestly.



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