Trump Giving Conservatives Judiciary Command That Could Last For Decades – IOTW Report

Trump Giving Conservatives Judiciary Command That Could Last For Decades

McConnell warned the left that they were playing recklessly with their rule changes for judiciary confirmations, and that what they giddily enjoyed would end up blowing up in their faces like a Greenwich Village Townhouse pipe bomb.

Well, it has.

Trump is flooding the courts with conservative jurists.


President Trump has already appointed a record-breaking number of federal judges, but his judicial legacy is even bigger than that: More than half of those judges replaced Democratic appointees…[Trump could be] giving conservatives an upper hand that would last for decades. The Senate has confirmed 17 Trump nominees for federal district courts, most of whom replaced Democratic appointees. Trump has also filled 16 vacancies on federal appeals courts (the last stop before the Supreme Court). Six of those appointees replaced judges who were nominated by Democratic presidents. There are still 140 more vacancies in the federal district and appellate courts, and Trump has put forward nominees for about half of them. There could soon be 100 judicial nominees pending in the Senate…Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have already set a breakneck pace for judicial confirmations. If Republicans still control the Senate after this year’s midterms, no matter what else happens, that pace will continue — and the impact will be felt long after Trump’s presidency ends.


11 Comments on Trump Giving Conservatives Judiciary Command That Could Last For Decades

  1. That’s the back breaker for the Dems. Without their puppets legislating from the bench, a lot of the manure they try to force feed down the throats of the public will never happen.

  2. One more reason democRATs want to push impeachment. Yes, they’re kinda quiet about it now, but make no mistake about it, if they get a majority they will pursue impeaching President Trump. So where am I going with this? If they get a taste of successful impeachment it will set a nasty precedent and they will try to impeach any judge they don’t like in their kangaroo proceedings as well!


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