Trump Goes Back To His Bread and Butter – “Politicians Are Full of Sh*t” – IOTW Report

Trump Goes Back To His Bread and Butter – “Politicians Are Full of Sh*t”

The Hill

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he doesn’t want to be politically incorrect, but he can’t stop himself from saying politicians are “full of shit.”

“These people — I’d like to use really foul language,” Trump said at a rally in Exeter, N.H. “I won’t do it. I was going to say they’re really full of shit. But I won’t say that.

“No, it’s true. It’s true. I won’t say it. I won’t say it. But they are,” he added. “But I won’t say that because it’s too controversial. Let me tell you — and, of course, it’s not politically correct.”

Decrying the culture of policing tone, Trump lamented: “Our country has become so politically correct that we can’t move anymore, we can’t walk anymore.”

The vulgarity came after a tirade against the Department of Veterans Affairs, which he condemned for not treating veterans in time to save their lives.

“That’s why you do need Trump, because you know what? No politician’s gonna solve this,” he said.


32 Comments on Trump Goes Back To His Bread and Butter – “Politicians Are Full of Sh*t”

  1. When Trump goes on stage with fifteen white guys he says are his new Inspector Generals that are going to investigate and put in federal prison most of the agency heads and their minions, that will be the day all the rest of the repubs can just go home.

    Do it Donald. It’s a goddam lock on your election.

  2. He’s not wrong. And when he’s President, he can start doing something about it. At least he knows who the real enemy is, and that it’s not Conservatives/Christians.

    But go ahead and trash/destroy him so we can continue with the same kind of old shit we’ve got right now and our country and western civilization is lost.

  3. Well, guess who just endorsed Trump (sorta):

    From AOL com:

    Former President Jimmy Carter says that if he had to choose between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, he’d vote for Trump because the billionaire businessman is more “malleable,” according to CBS News.

    “I think I would choose Trump,” Carter told the British Parliament on Wednesday, “which may surprise some of you, but the reason is Trump has proven already that he’s completely malleable. I don’t think he has any fixed opinions that he would really go to the White House and fight for.”


    In the same way that Reagan got along with
    EEEEVIL Tip O’Neill, this is a guy who says
    he can TALK to folks!

    Do you think that means he’ll CAVE to them?
    I really hope you don’t.

    He’s an expert in ambiguity.
    For better AND worse.

    But, compared to the rest of the bunch
    I’ll take himANYDAY!

  5. Sadly, politicians aren’t the ONLY ones full of shit …

    Media talking heads
    Union maggots
    Billionaire businessmen
    Subsidy farmers
    Welfare maggots
    Dishonest plumbers
    &c., &c., &c.

  6. Maybe I need to get away more. I can’t name a single participant in the 3 activities you mentioned, nor their location. Or what a Wing bowl is or a Phoenix open. My distraction this weekend is looking for a come up out of a dollar.

  7. Eternal, the Wing Bowl I somewhat said in jest. I have a few friends in Philadelphia and the Wing Bowl is a competitive eating and drinking event that is always held on the Friday before the Super Bowl. I guess they fill a 20,000 seat arena with participants and spectators. The Phoenix Open on the other hand is a first class PGA Tournament. It draws the biggest crowds on tour and they have a par 3 (number16) with a 10,000 seat arena built around it. It is a genuine party atmosphere and looks like all kinds of fun, if you like golf that is.

  8. Politics – the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.

    At a rally, I wish Rubio, or Cruz would grab his crotch and say, ‘I got your politically correct right here’.

    Trump just did it.

  9. Ahh.. I kind of figured Open meant golf, but who knows anymore with all the faggots and what not. I like to play golf, hate watching it, used to caddie back in the day so my watching days have been burned up. Football… eh, I never did get it, still don’t.

  10. A politician stating that politicians are full of shit.
    I will give it to him that few politicians admit to it, even though it is almost universally the case.
    Now will he claim to be more full of shit than Cruz?
    Trump is a very honest guy, he tells his followers exactly what he is and what he is going to do.

  11. Joe_6, Amen to that!
    I love this weekend too.
    Second only to the Kentucky Derby & week long festival.

    I just finished snacks and liquor shopping for the weekend.

    If I were rich I would spend Fri-Sat in Phoenix then jet up to Santa Clara on Sunday!

    I tell ya, if I were Trump I wouldn’t be dealing with the BS of running for president.
    I would simply jet around to every festival and sporting event, leaving a trail of money.
    Still doubt that you can take it with you…
    I know he doesn’t drink but he does like to have fun.

  12. Trump said politicians are full of shit. So what? It’s accurate, and those people offended by the lack of political correctness either don’t understand the issues or don’t care about the issues.

    What I really despise are those politicians who, while being politically correct, tell the electorate that they are going to fuck them and hide that fact by using big important sounding words and phrases. Bernie Sanders is going to confiscate much of the earned wealth in this country and give it to people who vote for him. Yes, he uses politically correct terms like fair distribution and correcting inequities, but he is full of shit – he is going to steal money from people who earned it and give it to those who didn’t. Hillary Clinton is the same, except she appears to be willing to steal less money than Bernie, and you know a big chunk is going to end up in her pocket. She is full of shit as well.

    In immigration, we can’t refer to illegal aliens even those aliens are here illegally. The conversaton has devolved around “pathways to citizenship” – what about fixing our illegal immigration problem before we discuss “pathways to citizenship?” Democrats talk about personal freedoms, which includes the freedom to screw whomever or whatever you want, the freedom to be free from anything offensive, the freedom to kill unborn children, and the freedom to put things in your body or up your butt – but does not include the freedom to do things guaranteed by the Bill of Rights in the Constitution. These people are full of shit.

    The same government that can’t make an ObamaCare website work or provide for our veteran’s health care or even maintain our infrastructure is now going to fix all of our problems. These people are full of shit. The United States has no coherent foreign policy, we can’t call terrorists our enemy, nor can we even acknowledge that the vast majority of these terrorists are Moslem. We have to cater to the tiny percentage of people who lead alternative lifestyles because…well, just because. The people who believe that this is a good way to run a country are full of shit. People who claim that the government can fix anything if the government just had some more money and some more power are full of shit. We have Supreme Court justices who have forgotten that there is a Constitution and make decisions based on what their political masters tell them – they are full of shit.

    So Trump said politicians are full of shit. If anything, this is a phrase he, and other candiates should use more often and for more things.

    Rant done. My apologies.

  13. @ Loco,
    I’ve come a long way from the several months ago when I thought Cruz was the way to go. The more I learn about him, the more I realize he will just hand our economy over to the globalists.

    He now turns my stomach more than Obama – if that’s even possible.

    Cruz is totally in with the globalists and invokes God to help him to be elected so he can serve those masters.

    I’m really sorry to say all that in such plain language, but I’m tired of pussy footing around. Cruz might be a different form of betrayal, but his role as president will be to finish off handing the U.S. over to the globalists. He’s just that …whatever.

    He’s been gaslighting us just like Obama and minions.

  14. TO LBS,

    To answer your “burning up” about what Trump said about Reid, Pelosi…and Cruz.

    Please ask yourself:

    “Stirring the pot” is a classic move to destabilize the opposition.

  15. He’s right. Check out Santorum wink to rubio. And guess what folks, if we don’t pull this shit to shore and focus on the true enemies and what is happening now in our country we will have Hillary.

  16. No!
    This is the process.
    We beat the crap out of everyone who wants the job (yes, even Trump, no matter how perfect he is) in order vet them.
    Those who can’t stand the heat get out the kitchen.
    It is our job to require that anyone that wants to lead us stand in front rather than behind us.

  17. Seeing as how Jimmy Carter is one of the stupidest people on the planet, I would take anything he says with a bag of salt. Do you really think he knows anything about Trump?

  18. Not really, but I think he knows a wheeler-dealer when he sees one. Besides, what better way to make Trump look bad than to be endorsed by a loser like himself? It’s not exactly the sort of thing one would be proud of, is it? He probably did it for just that reason.

    Don’cha think…?


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