Trump Goes On Offense – IOTW Report

Trump Goes On Offense

President tells Hannity he’ll declassify damning FISA docs, calls FBI actions ‘treasonous’


President Trump, in an exclusive wide-ranging interview Wednesday night with Fox News’ “Hannity,” vowed to release the full and unredacted Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants and related documents used by the FBI to probe his campaign, saying he wants to “get to the bottom” of how the long-running Russia collusion narrative began.

Trump told anchor Sean Hannity that his lawyers previously had advised him not to take that dramatic step out of fear that it could be considered obstruction of justice.

“I do, I have plans to declassify and release. I have plans to absolutely release,” Trump said. “I have some very talented people working for me, lawyers, and they really didn’t want me to do it early on. … A lot of people wanted me to do it a long time ago. I’m glad I didn’t do it. We got a great result without having to do it, but we will. One of the reasons that my lawyers didn’t want me to do it, is they said, if I do it, they’ll call it a form of obstruction.”

Trump added: “Frankly, thought it would be better if we held it to the end. But at the right time, we will be absolutely releasing.”

Trump also accused FBI officials of committing “treason” — slamming former FBI Director James Comey as a “terrible guy,” former CIA Director John Brennan as potentially mentally ill, and Democrat House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff as a criminal.

Also: Trump calls on Schiff to resign, accuses him of ‘knowingly and unlawfully lying and leaking’

21 Comments on Trump Goes On Offense

  1. How do his “brilliant” lawyers conclude that releasing all information to the public would be obstruction of justice?
    Secondly, quit teasing the release and do it! The public deserves to know all the facts and all those who were involved with this treachery.
    Don’t continue to drag this out as a strategy, We’re getting really sick of the stalling.
    It’s like closing the fucking border, it’s been talked to death but nothing is done.

  2. President Trump has nailed it on all counts. Let the sun shine in on the corruption and watch the cockroaches scatter and turn on each other! It was pretty obvious from the outset what this was all about, but President Trump was smart to let it play out for the American people to see the hand that democRATs were playing. There are always those who never get the memo, but if the ratings on CNN and MSNBC are any indication, I think many of the anti-Trump crowd are now seeing the light as a result. The President is right to eventually release the full and unredacted documents to the public and let the evidence itself point the finger of blame at those responsible for dragging our nation down with their skulduggery! Let them stew in their own juices of hate and deception!

  3. All of them need to burn or they will
    jussie do it again & again.Hope the sheeple
    wake up and smell the democrap in twenty-twenty…

  4. The Leftists will end up screaming about it, and when they do they should be asked why they are screaming about the people knowing the truth and why do they think it should be kept secret.

    But they won’t be, the MSM being what they are and the Republican leadership (mostly) wanting to be compliant and go along to get along with them.

  5. I don’t know what you would call this except an attempted Coup d’état by the government behind the government. This has undeniably pointed out that there IS a deep state, and that they were working to undermine and affect the election of the U.S. This must never be allowed to happen again. I don’t see how you cannot say that this was not treason.

  6. BTW – When the cockroaches consider that they did all this for Hillary Clinton and then look at the fact that her popularity is at an all-time low and still sinking, Katy bar the door, they’re gonna scatter full-tilt boogie! The old Bitch should be very, very worried!
    Pass the popcorn please!!

  7. They went to a FISA court four times and got no indictments for colluding with Russia.

    How did they even get that FISA warrant approved when there was absolutely nothing gained from a two year unlimited investigation.

    It was a coup and these pro forma attempts at making it look legal actually make it look worse because every step added another layer of deep state corruption to the conspiracy.

    Bigger than Watergate. Teapot Dome. XYZ affair. Iran Contra. And the media’s talking about Jussie Smollett.

    This is the biggest scandal since Lyndon Johnson assassinated Kennedy.

  8. Gin,

    “How do his “brilliant” lawyers conclude that releasing all information to the public would be obstruction of justice?”

    The Left would have lied and said it was, is his point.

  9. I want to find out exactly WHEN Mueller knew there was no collusion and how long after that he continued to investigate those around the president. I know he chose to end his “report” to time it with the release of his book(s), and in time enough for the D’s to recover before the GE heats up.

  10. Put two years back on the clock of his Presidency. The Obamacare repeal. The Wall. That NK deal would have gotten done if they weren’t trying to make him look like a lame duck.

    The 8 year clock starts again as of the Mueller Report release.

    Sounds fair. And generous.

  11. And many of our self proclaimed “journalists” remain dead silent. They willingly worked along side and assisted the criminal staff members of the DOJ and the criminal staff members of the FBI in an attempt to help them commit the crime. They too are guilty of crimes against America. Silence says it all MSM.

  12. Rove was completely predictable.

    The commenter in his WSJ editorial on their site show nonone is fooled.

    Barbara Bush’s heart attack was actually from catching Junior and Stinkerpuss giving each other hand jobs in the pool house.

    You’re not a Bush, Karl. Never have been. Never will be. You’re just an employee.


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