Trump Goes to Slain Officer’s Wake While Dems Throw a Fund Raiser and Get Heckled – IOTW Report

Trump Goes to Slain Officer’s Wake While Dems Throw a Fund Raiser and Get Heckled

The Dems look like shit.


Chaos as Palestinian protesters paying up to $500K a ticket heckle Biden, Obama and Clinton at Radio City fundraiser: Presidents are left humiliated after Trump attended slain NYPD officer’s wake.

President Joe Biden’s appearance at a $25 million Radio City Music Hall fundraiser with former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton descended into chaos as the trio of presidents being interviewed by Stephen Colbert got interrupted by protesters. 

A handful of pro-Palestinian protesters shouted down the presidents, with one woman telling Biden ‘you have blood on your hands,’ as another loud guest warned of a nuclear war with Russia: ‘you’re out of your f***ing minds.’ 

The event was supposed to be a star-studded evening with major donors, with some tickets costing as much as $500,000. 

Former President Donald Trump also traveled to New York Thursday, to pay his respects at a wake for slain NYPD officer Jonathan Diller.

Colbert kicked the conversation off by noting how he was giving Obama and Clinton give minutes each to answer his questions – adding that Biden would get seven minutes.  

‘Because as the sitting president, you can order SEAL Team 6 to take me out, which according to Donald Trump’s lawyers is perfectly OK,’ the Late Show host said. 

Biden, Obama and Clinton all took shots at Trump – without saying his name – in the opening minutes, with Biden recalling what motivated him to be president – the Republican’s dealing with the racial unrest in Charlottesville in 2017. 

Obama said that Trump and the Republican Party ‘increasingly seems unconcerned with the essence of America,’ while Clinton slapped the ex-president even harder. 

Clinton said Trump ‘stole from Barack Obama’ a good economy. 

‘I listened to him tell us how terrible the American economy was all during 2016. And then, by January 2017, after the inauguration, it had become wonderful, miraculously, overnight,’ Clinton said. 

Clinton noted how job growth was slower under Trump, but people didn’t feel it yet.

‘Then all of a sudden, Joe Biden comes along and creates roughly twice as many jobs,’ he said. ‘So I believe in keeping score. Not in a vindictive way but in a positive way.’

Colbert then quickly went to a lightning round – asking each of the leaders if they planned to sell any golden sneakers. 


20 Comments on Trump Goes to Slain Officer’s Wake While Dems Throw a Fund Raiser and Get Heckled

  1. “Clinton noted how job growth was slower under Trump, but people didn’t feel it yet.

    ‘Then all of a sudden, Joe Biden comes along and creates roughly twice as many jobs,’ he said.”

    Proof that the D’s actually consider the “Broken Window” fallacy to be practical real-world economics.

  2. Heatsync

    I do all the cooking for the wife and me. I love to cook. And I do the meal plan that day. So I’m at the grocery store daily. It’s a rare day that I don’t hear someone complaining about the out of control price increases. Everyone feels that. So hill Billy Bills bull shit falls short. Way short. We have a couple outdoor cats. A bag of cheap cat food 3 years ago was $3.50. Tonight I paid $9.95. Red meats off the hook for the average family. Fuel, utilities. They’re fucked and they know it. They will avoid an election at all costs

  3. Brad

    The point I was trying to make was that allowing people forced out of their jobs return to work DOESN’T equal “job creation”. I keep hearing D’s make that very argument, and every time I do, I’m amazed at either the audacity it takes to speak such a lie or the abject stupidity it takes to believe it. Bill is a lawyer (or used to be ’til his license was revoked), so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he’s a liar and not a moron.

  4. Most of us are concerned with the new “essence of America” being when each of us are going to have to produce our weapons to defend home, hearth, family, and community against our enemies, both foreign and domestic….

  5. Oh my goodness!
    Such bold faced liars.
    “essence of America”?
    Bath house Barry set out to destroy the country and has come close.
    Biden was the chosen puppet. He didn’t decide anything.
    They are only pleasing the far left fringe with continuing to lie.
    They should all be heckled.

    Colbert is so unfunny.

  6. Hey all you dirty deplorables out there you are just jealous of how good my heathen hillbilly bubba looks in a semen stained blue dress! eat your hearts out!

  7. These Apocalyptic evil villians are bold with their gaslighting. The lies are obvious, but presented as the gospel.
    “W” Bush the fourth horror horseman completes the set. He’s posing as a Republican, so he couldn’t attend this Central Planning campaign event for Demwit Joe’s reappointment as pResident.

    Prayfully, President Trump will win the in 2024. Even though the left will continue their reign of terror, at least four more years of a Trump presidency would be a stop gap. No guarantee things will get better after Trump. Buckle up buttercup and keep your powder dry.

  8. Just heard over the Radio that present Governor of NY Kathy Hockul turned up at Officer Diller’s wake and was asked to leave. She did and the Cops applauded!! 😊


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