“Trump Groped Me in Front of Ray Charles” – IOTW Report

“Trump Groped Me in Front of Ray Charles”

When I read the headline I thought it was written by Oleg Atbashian.

I had to look it up, and sure enough, it’s authentic.

Leave it to Megyn Kelly to unearth this attention whore.

On a related topic, I hope Moore wins today. If he does, Al Franken is not going to resign. That’s what the delay is. It’s a political numbers game. And Al Franken NOT resigning is better for us in the long view. Here’s why.

#MeToo is leading to the ousting of Trump. And the more we simply believe women as some sort of correct ethical and moral position, the more we are heading for Trump’s impeachment, with this idiotic precedent of no due process in its wake.

Our reporting of #MeToo is going to be flipped on its face. I don’t care if it’s Alec Baldwin being accused of groping, I am defending Alec Baldwin as innocent until proven guilty. And by “proven guilty” I mean with photographic, video or DNA evidence.

Yes, there are photos of Franken hovering his hands over Leann Tweeden’s breasts and making a juvenile face, but keeping Franken around is the precedent we need to point back to when they decide to go for the big kahuna, Trump.




38 Comments on “Trump Groped Me in Front of Ray Charles”

  1. My husband was in Ray Charles’ band and I met Ray so here are a couple of true Ray Charles facts: Ray used to “accidentally” bump up against women to learn their shape but this was only after shaking hands by putting one hand on the woman’s wrist.

    By feeling the wrist he’d know if the woman was worth accidentally bumping or not. He wasn’t interested in fat or plump women.

  2. Look at little Megyn. A woman no one on either side likes, who has to borrow her audience from the better show coming up after hers. Way to bring the Jerry Springer show back to life, Megyn.
    Truthfully, I don’t believe 85% of what the Hollytards are accusing each other of. But Weinstein and a handful of other men and women that have proof against them, well they need to go to hell. But come on, not everyone off the street is going to be honest about ‘assault’ and a lot of them are jilted, want attention or want revenge for not casting them in some role. Those people are wrecking it for the real victims. Just like false racism claims are wrecking it for the actual victims. In the end, the public will believe NO ONE and the public will not care.

  3. I’m curious why no men have come forward to say they’ve been groped by well-known women. I know from personally witnessing such a thing that it DOES happen. It would tend to take some of the wind out of the feminist anti-Trump #MeToo dinghy’s sail.

  4. I figured this is where they were going with all this harassment shit. I guess this is a sign that they’re running out of fake Russian stories to chase. Bill O’Reilly claims there’s a tape recording, that he’s heard, of someone offering a woman 200K to make a sexual harassment claim against DJT. He also says he’s made DJT aware of the tape and who has it. Plan on this getting much worse.

  5. Yeah well Hillary molested a mentally retarded 8 yr old girl and told her that if she tried to tell anybody that she would “get rid of her” the same way she “got rid of” Vince Foster!
    Helen Keller witnessed the whole event!

  6. Who remembers Kathy Lee Guiford (SP) Sliding down on Anderson Cooper one New Years eve on National TV? I know I saw it.
    She should be charged with Man Slaughter.
    Looked Nasty to me.

  7. I don’t want to hear he said mean things, he kissed me, he was ‘handy’ or any other irritating stuff, there are real assaults going on and soon no one will believe the true victims.
    Some guys are piggy, most aren’t. The real criminals are waiting for this to reach the end.

  8. @MJA I agree 100 percent . Megyn Kelley is a Dog . I don’t know if people know about her in Washington, D.C. Also the interview that her first husband did . He said that megyn Kelley wanted a wife that tell you everything

  9. Some time ago I read on a Brazilian website two has been Brazilian actresses saying that “years ago Donald Trump made a pass on them.” At the time people laughed at them, nowadays they might have been encouraged to share their stories and, who knows, even make some money out of it.
    Personally, I don’t care what the President did before we elected him. And I don’t understand why anyone would care. If Obama “evolved” in so many issues, why can’t we believe that Trump evolved too?!

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