Trump Has Apparently Evolved – IOTW Report

Trump Has Apparently Evolved

Trump needs to publicly apologize to Pamela Geller, admit he was wrong, say she was right, and then he needs to make a yuge donation to AFDI and SIOA.

ht/ dianny

42 Comments on Trump Has Apparently Evolved

  1. Your synopsis is 100% spot on. If Trump doesn’t make a sincere, humble apology to Pamela Geller and others like her speaking out righteously against the evil that is islam I won’t be voting for him. Absent a Trump mea culpa on this, I have no confidence that he has actually changed his views on islam and sharia (despite his current tough talk) and I will not vote for him.

    And the problem with his proposed “ban” is that it is temporary and it does nothing about the growing enemy inside our gates. Unlike “the Donald” and our “representatives” in government, some of us out here like Pamela, Robert Spencer and others figured out “what the hell is going on” long ago. Islam as an ideology of any kind should be eradicated in the US at a minimum, the mosques closed down and all of them deported to the sand pit or their choice / origin absent a provable conversion to Christianity.

  2. He can prove that he’s not by a public apology to Pamela Geller and strengthening his stance against islam and its taqiyya. If he really does believe what he’s saying now as opposed to what he was saying about her a few months ago, that won’t be such a hard thing for him to do. Either then or now, he was terribly mistaken or lying.

    Is he really what he says he is or something else? Only his actions will tell the true story. As we’ve seen too many times before, politicians will lie to us without hesitation – is Trump just another politician?

  3. Video was too long…could have been edited down to hit the key points in a much,much shorter and more digestible version for our ADD friends. Unfortunately, the true message will never be heard if it isn’t tweaked to hit the attention span of our target audience.

  4. i am still a trump guy, based on the choices, but have always said he needs a much better stfu filter

    i am a solid geller / spencer backer, they are absolutely spot on stirring the pot

    hope trump can adjust course

  5. What’s funny is this represents an opportunity for the mainstream media to give Donald Trump a belly punch by exposing his flip-flop. But they can’t use this, because to do so requires the media to expose the evil inherent in the Muslim’s so-called religion, Trump’s discovery of that evil, and the media is afraid to insult Muhammad. As much as they hate it, they must give Trump a pass to avoid exposing the evil of the Muzzie religion.

  6. LOL – on a different note, have you tried any of the supersonic 300 AAC Blackout ammo? They get pretty close to the velocity of the 7.62 x 39. I wondered if they would cycle properly compared to the subsonic rounds without any adjustments to the springs.

  7. Pamela Geller doesn’t do any of her work for “her own purpose”, she does it for all of our freedom, for America, for everything in this world that is good. And she is not anti-muslim, she’s anti-jihad, anti-sharia. Trump didn’t do his research on the work of Pamela Geller. I’ve been a fan of hers since Atlasshruggs first hit the net. And I am a supporter, with what few dollars I can spare.

    Trump is the obnoxious blowhard in this case. That doesn’t mean I won’t vote for the asshole, I like the guy. I want America back. That’s all. Fuck islam! And fuck all the dhimmis who enable the sharia!

    Make peace with Pamela, Donald. Stop being a dhimmi asshole. I’m probably going to vote for you, you obnoxious bastard.

  8. No one is perfect. The left would vote for an out right commie.

    Trump is our best choice this time.

    Let’s not have a pissing match.

    We are lucky Trump is doing this

    God knows he does not have to.

  9. Wow. Just wow. This encapsulates all the issues I have with Trump. I have been trying to survive the Obama years by hoping and praying for a Conservative president. Someone like Reagan, who inspired hope, who loved America, and who exhibited class. I want a serious, thoughtful president, not another obnoxious blowhard running his mouth and blowing his own horn. I do not accept that our only choices are Trump or Hillary. Pamela Geller is a national hero. Trump needs to STFU and listen to other people from time to time. He’s a liberal at heart.

  10. Just another skeezy video patch job.
    I’d expect sh!t like this from the Dems…old news made out to !shock! today.
    And no, I’m not apologizing to Shelly.

    This is politics.
    It’s ugly.

    So, he changed.
    At least he changed for the better.
    Trump owes NO apology to Pamela, though he was rude.
    Like I said: this is politics, not a school of manners.

    She was right. And still is.
    Yet: she can’t make the changes; Trump CAN (when elected).

  11. What I’m reading here is as if I were reading membrs of “the Stupid Party” itself snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.

    Remember what TREVOR LOUDON – Cruz’s most enthusiastic and intelligent supporter/cheerleader has said for years in his caravan book tour?!?: the Right needs to coalesce around ONE candidate by the end of 2015.

    Well here we are…and it’s TRUMP.
    (…not to mention his crossover appeal to hispanics, blacks and even Democrats)

    But NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
    We can’t have that…

    …so people have to get out their “destroy the other guy (who’s on my team)” rage. Well, F*CK EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU.

    Please: DO sell me the merits of your guy. DO expose the weaknesses of his competitors. But: please spare me the Leftist “fainting vapors” over old news.

    You’re NOT Leftists. You (should?) know better.

  12. The attack of Pamela was troubling to say the least. She’s a brave brave woman, God bless her. Trump has given me pause a couple times, this being the biggest red flag but I just don’t see him walking it back.

    It certainly conflicts with his call to halt all moslim immigration doesn’t it?

  13. Maybe we should wait until people actually start VOTING before we declare someone the winner, eh? I know it’s old fashioned to not just accept a poll of 385 Republican & Republican-leaning voters as the nominating process. But I’m an old fashioned girl. I prefer to wait until people actually vote in the primaries to declare a “frontrunner.”

  14. It’s a bit hypocritical of YOU pretending to be the “reasonable-let’s-wait-and-see” kinda person, dianny…since you’ve been on an ANTI-TRUMP VICIOUSLY SCORCHED EARTH rampage for quite awhile.

  15. Bullshit! Why then have a primary if we’re to coalesce around that one candidate. I’ll just let you and so many others choose for me while I sit idly by twiddling my thumbs in awe of your ability to use that political intuition.

    Thanks, but hell no. Cruz is one candidate that needs to be given equal exposure along with chance to prove himself to America. Perhaps Cruz will jump at the chance to throw this video in Trumps face a little farther down the trail.

    I respect you Czar but I disagree with you on this one which probably gets you into Limbaugh territory being correct the remainder of the time.

  16. Umm…I’m citing Trevor Loudon.
    I agree.
    I’m NOT telling you what to do.
    Don’t know what the Limbaugh reference means.

    What *I’m* referring to is the difference between
    campaigning and out-and-out destroying.

    Cruz is fine and it is the media which has chosen to flood its info tubes with Trump “24/7”. To me, it seems there is some deal between Cruz and Trump, as Cruz has been EXTREMELY QUIET all these months…not just the media ignoring him.

    FWIW, I started with Cruz, saying I’d wait to see where things stand by March 15th (Florida’s Primary). What has troubled me since then is his support of the Trans Pacific Trade Deal and H1-B immigrant flooding. He’s not perfect. Duh. So what. He’s human. As is Trump.


    Seeing where we are today, Trump is the clear frontrunner.
    TO REPEAT: there is a difference between campaigning and out-and-out destroying.

  17. That must be why I wrote all those posts defending him. Because I’m such a rabid Trump hater. Yup. Nothing says “scorched earth rampaging” quite like defending Trump from dishonest attacks in post after post after post (including, but not limited to HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE).

    You know when I finally decided that this guy will not under any circumstances get my vote in the primaries? Sunday. As in two days ago. Up until then, I was open to voting for Trump if Cruz was no longer on the ballot by the time we have the NY Primary.

    If we get stuck with Hillary vs Trump in the general, I will either hold my nose and vote for the guy who supported Hillary rather than vote for Hillary, or I will write in a vote to take the vote away from Hillary. I won’t be one of those petulant babies who stays home if my guy doesn’t get the nomination.

    And why is it hypocritical to not believe polls? Polls said Romney was going to win in 2012. Monmouth polls 385 people and 41% say they support Trump and we’re supposed to pop the champaign and call this election over? That’s fricken hilarious.

    Polls don’t determine the nominee. The number of Twitter followers don’t determine the nominee. Winning the most primaries and gaining the most delegates determines the nominee.

  18. Trump apologize? It’ll never happen. He says the most inflammatory, insulting, and repugnant things about everyone, as part of his rambling brain-free rants, and never apologies for anything. We’ve suffered under seven years with a president who makes horrible decisions and takes no responsibility. We don’t need to continue that tradition.

  19. Rush has that claim to be correct 99.7% and from what’s you’ve posted in the past, you’re up there my friend.

    Trump get’s my vote if and when it comes during election but primary elections are here in the mean time and I’ll keep on support of Cruz, financially and spiritually.

    Trump the blowhard needs to grow a bigger pair if he really has an issue with Islamic Muzloids than make him man up and say so, otherwise he should step aside to someone that has conviction.

  20. So, we know where everyone other than Cruz stands on keeping muslims out. It’s been a rousing chorus of. “It’s not who America is”. Except for Trump. Cruz said to carpet bomb ISIS over -> THERE, but what plan has he put out for the immigration of muslims into our country? (not being snarky, I really am asking)

    Cruz has used drafting behind Trump as a strategy ever since he got in, and does a similar thing in the debates. EXCEPT on one or two issues. Everyone else gets their elbows out, Cruz stands looking “reasonable”. Fine. But is it a CAMPAIGN ? Really like Survivor, this staying under the radar hoping to make it to the final three. He has stated that his main strategy is to hope Trump drops out, and then grab as many of his supporters as possible. That’s a CAMPAIGN? Just asking. Because it does not look much like one to me.

    And on the matter of debating Hillary. Who will want to look like the bad guy hitting back against old granma? Imagine the ultimate “reasonable guy” suddenly becomes this aggressive debate wizard. Cruz being “mean” to Hillary in a debate would likely not work in his favor. Think about it. Carefully. Trump doing it would be par for the course, and would not hurt him. While all that really means is that Trump would have a unique advantage in a head to head with Hillary, it also tells me that I have no idea what Cruz will do if he were the guy in that seat.

    There is no doubt that Cruz has a long game planned for politics, and is extremely ambitious as a politician. A professional career politician will always have certain advantage over a novice, even one as determined as Trump.

  21. People like Pamela Geller who say non-contradictory truth are few and far between and seem radical to those who don’t. I hope Trump has an awakening and learns (by his mistakes) how to do the same while at the same time learning some humility.

  22. GrandMe — “Cruz has used drafting behind Trump as a strategy ever since he got in, and does a similar thing in the debates. EXCEPT on one or two issues.”

    Perfectly stated. I would add that whether or not drafting is a winning strategy, I admire Donald Trump for being the leader of saying what needs to be said. Drafting may be a great idea in bicycle racing, but it’s a weasely thing to do in a presidential campaign. And Trump’s a warrior for doing it while the rest of the field circle him waiting for the media to take him down so the rest of the field can feast on whatever they leave for them, like the cowardly scavengers they are. an “outsider” insider is the weaseliest of them all. How many times have we heard that from pols? And people are still falling for that line? The first time in decades we have a strong possibility of electing a real outsider with guts, and we help the media take him out? Unbelievable.

  23. SO: you’ve “evolved”, too!

    Sure, polls don’t determine…but they ARE a “sensor”, as long as they are (relatively) honest. At worst, they influence a la propaganda.

    Oh yeah…about “determining the nominee…don’t forget the dirty rules changes the GOP did to – ahem – “nudge” the delegate count to favor !Cheb! (now his clone, scRubio).

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