Trump has been right about China for years – IOTW Report

Trump has been right about China for years

Spectator US:
Back in the summer of 2015, all the cleverest people made fun of Donald Trump for obsessing about China. One of them even made a video compilation of the candidate saying ‘China’ over and over again on the hustings. Ha ha ha.

It seems distinctly less funny now. There is a reason that the novel coronavirus is popularly denominated the Wuhan flu or CCP virus. As Bill Gertz observed in How China’s Communist Party Made the World Sick, ‘the world does not need to prove that the communist regime in Beijing was responsible for the escape of the coronavirus from a lab’ in order to cast a jaundiced eye upon its many malefactions. ‘It is now clear,’ he writes, ‘that decades of international engagement and cooperation with communist China was a mistake that seriously undermined fundamental American values of freedom, democracy, openness, honesty, and free markets.

It seemed like a good idea at the time. In the 1970s, under Richard Nixon, America embarked on a program of ‘constructive engagement’ with communist China. The hope was that by pursuing closer ties with China, America would mount a more effective challenge to the Soviet threat. The secondary hope was that by engaging with China, we would lure the backwards communist behemoth into the modern world. That turned out to be a fond hope. China entered the modern world all right. But instead of softening its penchant for top-down totalitarian rule, economic and military modernization made its despotism more cunning.

Consider, for example, the 370,000 Chinese nationals who have come to the United States for college. They typically pay full-freight, which makes them an important economic boon to the colleges and universities they attend. And it is still not widely appreciated that all are subject to Article 7 of the 2017 National Intelligence Law of 2017, which requires that ‘any citizen shall support, assist, and cooperate with the state intelligence work’. In other words, as Brian Kennedy notes in Communist China’s War Inside America, ‘It is quite literally the law that all Chinese students in American universities are agents, or potential agents, of the Chinese Communist party and the intelligence apparatus of the P.RC.’ more here

7 Comments on Trump has been right about China for years

  1. Could be that Nixon was the first US Globalist.

    Now, thanks to the Globalists and their political and corporate lap dogs, China is by far the biggest menace the world has ever faced. In comparison, the Nazis were mere amateurs.

    Home grown terrorists are the big problem now, but in the future the threat they pose will be miniscule compared to China.

  2. Back during the 2016 campaign, there was a point where my sister, who’s not all that political, asked me whether I thought Trump was serious about running and whether he had a chance. I honestly don’t remember if that conversation was in the fall of 2015 or in the early spring of 2016 after he started winning primaries. I’m in Kentucky and she’s in Missouri and both have relatively late primaries. So it could have been in the spring when suddenly people started paying attention.

    Anyway, she was basically asking not just whether I thought he was serious but also what exactly he was running on if he was. I told her that I wasn’t sure at first but I was beginning to think he was dead serious. Because of one very big thing – I’d seen one of those early 1980/1990 videos of him talking about China. Basically what I told her was that it was like listening to our dad who started ranting and raving about Washington selling us out to China around the time of Reagan. I think.

    Then I told her to multiply our father by all the millions of middle class Americans who have been screaming the same thing and other stuff too) for decades and been ignored by the very people they vote in.

    That IS the Trump silent majority.

    It really opened her eyes and ears to start treating him seriously.

  3. Here’s the list of what Trump HASN’T been right about:

    1-Comey as FBI head
    2-the GOP as an ally
    3-Romney as anything
    4-Sessions having integrity
    5-all US generals being loyal to their oaths of office (like Mattis)

    That’s about it!

  4. The CCP has done a masterful job of exploiting three things: the consumers’ demand for cheap goods, the corporations’ need for increased profits, and the politicians’ desire to take credit for making the first two objectives possible.

    All three of those groups – consumers, corporations and politicians – have turned a blind eye to the reality of what the CCP’s objective is, and the means by which they are accomplishing it.

    Trump has forced Americans to see the light, the truth, and as a result has very powerful vested interests fighting him tooth and nail.


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