Trump has delivered many of his 2016 campaign promises. Here’s what remains for second term – IOTW Report

Trump has delivered many of his 2016 campaign promises. Here’s what remains for second term

Just The News:

President Donald Trump has followed through on many of his 2016 presidential campaign promises, but some remain unfulfilled.

Tax reform, which was one of Trump’s major agenda items, became law in December 2017. The legislation included across-the-board tax cuts for individuals and families as well as a substantial corporate tax cut from 35% to 21%. Trump also got two conservative justices, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, confirmed to the Supreme Court.

On the foreign policy front, Trump withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord and the Iran nuclear deal. He also stepped up the military operations against ISIS in Syria and Iraq, resulting in the loss of most of the terrorist group’s controlled territory. Trump also moved the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. more

6 Comments on Trump has delivered many of his 2016 campaign promises. Here’s what remains for second term

  1. For a lot of these both the House and Senate must be majority Republican. The Senate preferably 60 GOP senators but that isn’t likely.
    While we didn’t get enough legislation the first 2 years, at least with a GOP-led House we got some. The second 2 years have been an absolute waste, as Pelosi won’t let anything pass that is worth sending to the Senate.

  2. A balanced budget Amendment, bring more troops home, eliminate the Heritance tax, Fire Wray and every other Obama holdover and clean up the FBI, eliminate the TSA, more cutting of governmental regulations including a thorough audit of duplication, provide more scrutiny and oversight in China’s theft of intellectual property. And a promise that even after the election those in the FBI and Justice that committed crimes will be prosecuted to the full extent, nobody is above the law, it is the bedrock of all advanced civilizations.


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