Trump Hater Faces 5 Years in Prison For Threatening To Kill the President Elect on Twitter – IOTW Report

Trump Hater Faces 5 Years in Prison For Threatening To Kill the President Elect on Twitter

The Blaze –

An Ohio man made an appearance in court Thursday after his tweet prompted a Secret Service investigation.

Zachary Benson, 24, is facing up to five years in prison if convicted of making threats against the president or successors to the presidency, a federal Class E felony.

According to the criminal complaint filed, Benson wrote the questionable tweet in the early hours of Nov. 9, after the presidential election results were announced. He said, “My life goal is to assassinate Trump. Don’t care if I serve infinite sentences. That man deserves to decease [sic] existing.”

Apparently realizing he had gone too far, he deleted the posts later that morning, but not before the Secret Service was notified. Investigators said that, although Benson’s Twitter account has since been deleted, he admitted to posting the tweets but told the Secret Service that he had no intention of following through on the threats.

The affidavit says Benson wrote the tweet out of frustration “thinking about how President-elect Trump’s policies could affect [his] job.”  His occupation is not specified in the affidavit.

Benson was ordered held on a $20,000 unsecured bond in the U.S. District Court in Cleveland.  A federal grand jury will determine whether he is indicted, but presently no follow up court date has been set.

18 Comments on Trump Hater Faces 5 Years in Prison For Threatening To Kill the President Elect on Twitter

  1. SO this guy will be tried, convicted, and sentenced so that the Trump haters can say “see, we punish our people when they go off the reservation.” And that will be the only arrest and conviction for threatening Trump. Ever.

  2. Good! These idiots have to learn a lesson. We are not going to tolerate this crap any more. Also, arrest all these Soros “protestors” and fine them for whatever he was paying them.

    I do a happy dance every time I think about what has just happened across the fruited plains!

  3. After decades of the left shrugging off lawlessness, legislating from the bench, trying people in the courts of public opinion — I can scarcely grasp the delight I feel at the prospect of consistent and equal application of the law. Just think about that. It will be such a pivotal change.

  4. Aren’t you the Big Brain, Zach.
    Little Zach lives in daddy’s basement on w.212 in Fairview Park. His job is probably robbing senior citizens in the Heinen’s parking lot. Waa, waa, waa.

    On a truly sickening note the H and I went to dinner tonight and saw a Bernie 2020 President bumper sticker. Dumb clucks.

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