Trump Hater, Ronda Rousey, Loses Comeback Fight in 48 Seconds – IOTW Report

Trump Hater, Ronda Rousey, Loses Comeback Fight in 48 Seconds

Rousey, who was once considered an unstoppable MMA phenom, is now looking eminently beatable.

Many expect her to retire.

The winner, Amanda Nunes, said after Rousey’s defeat-

“She thinks she’s a boxer.” He [Edmond Tarverdyan] put that in her head and he has her believing that. I don’t know why he did that. She has great judo. She could go further in this division, but he put some crazy thing about boxing [in her head] and then her career started going down. I’m the real striker here.”

Here she is bashing Trump.

Here she is, featured in an animated music video, slaying the monster Trumpzilla.


26 Comments on Trump Hater, Ronda Rousey, Loses Comeback Fight in 48 Seconds

  1. I’m not sure she’s a “Trump Hater” as much as just your everyday liberal politically uneducated schlep who just parrots what she hears from the MSM and her buddies. In any event, her career is over. She had talent and was good looking (at least in the pre-fight news conferences and sexist or not that was a big draw) but she’s lost two big payday fights now with the last in a scant 48 seconds. The fans won’t pay big bucks to see her anymore and her agent will have trouble lining up fights with the bottom ranked contenders. If she’s smart (and she’s saved money) she’ll just retire and open up a fight training club somewhere. Maybe educate herself a bit more about political reality.

  2. “I wouldn’t vote for him.”
    “I just wouldn’t really trust the guy running the country, that’s all.”
    “I’m not going to get into the specifics, but I don’t want a reality TV star running my country.”

    I’m not sure how calling her a Trump hater is not accurate.
    She came out in support of Bernie Sanders during the primaries.

  3. Trump said we’re going to win so much we may get tired of winning. Chalk up another one for our side with that knock-out punch! To quote my favorite Hillary line “I don’t feel no ways tired”!

  4. I refuse to watch female pro fights no matter how good looking the fighters may be. I prefer my women to be feminine, and not preoccupied with competing with men in masculine style sports. As such, I wouldn’t cross the street to piss on Rousey if she was on fire.

  5. @True ~ same as the appeal in watching two men beat the crap out of each other … it was fun in Jr. High, but you mature

    with the millennials, they don’t have any desire to mature

  6. Note to “Grrrrl Power!” womyn: a thirteen year old male has more upper body strength than you do. Too, a man can take a hit from another male. You cannot; you cannot strike hard, and you cannot take a hard strike. Regardless your training, do not believe the PR. Absent an ambush, you cannot take the average Joe Sixpack. Understand, truth is not denigration.

    Facts are ‘inconvenient.’ Attend; the life you save may be your own.

    P.S.: Buy a firearm and learn how to fight it.

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