Trump-hating Congress Insist Russians Torpedoed Hillary and it was “AN ACT OF WAR!” – IOTW Report

Trump-hating Congress Insist Russians Torpedoed Hillary and it was “AN ACT OF WAR!”

Daniel Greenfield asks that the congress who believe Russian meddling was an act of war to put up or shut up.

Only congress can declare war. So, DO IT!! Declare war on Russia if Russia has already declared war on us.

Sultan Knish-

Democrats keep claiming that the Facebook trolling, which was as bad as 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, is an act of war. Yet they seem reluctant to actually do anything to Russia.

They should have the opportunity to vote on a Russia war resolution. And then be forced to explain why they voted against their own rhetoric.


ht/ forcibly deranged


11 Comments on Trump-hating Congress Insist Russians Torpedoed Hillary and it was “AN ACT OF WAR!”

  1. Anybody that would let any content on socialized media sway their vote are fucking idiots. I knew thirty years ago I would never vote for the Bitch Clinton. The left must be eradicated.

  2. I foresee that for decades to come, everyone over the age of 10 or 12 today who is still alive will always remember exactly where they were on the day the Russians attacked Hillary Clinton.

    Oh, wait —


  3. This kind of gum flapping is exactly why we need to bring back the duel.
    Call these sons of bitches out on their bullshit and slap their faces.
    Then if they do show up, run them through.

  4. Lazlo, dueling is for gentlemen. Men with property. Men with honor.

    For grubby ‘sons of bitches’ you hire some other grubby ‘sons of bitches’ to burn down their homes and run them out of town.

    Now, it just so happens I have in my employ a certain ‘High Sheriff’ with an eager whip hand and an unfortunate case of priapism……


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