Trump Having Lunch With Sessions Today – IOTW Report

Trump Having Lunch With Sessions Today

36 Comments on Trump Having Lunch With Sessions Today


    That guy knows how to tune-out the noise and do whatever he wants to do. That annoys the crap out of democrats and media. They can’t bully him.

  2. A “reluctant” AG is more useless than no AG at all.

    I’d like to believe all this is masterful 4-D Chess straight out of Sun Tzu.

    Mr. Recuse-Me-Please has cost PDT 9 crucial months of delay and inaction and accomplished nothing, including allowing Mueller’s hit team to be created and doing nothing to prevent Leftist judges from halting the MAGA agenda in its tracks at every turn.

  3. Sounds like things are taking off, with or without Sessions…

    “We knew the switch in the narrative from Trump/Russia to Clinton/Russia would take a little time. We had them drop the Uranium One article exactly one week before we would make the first arrests. Couple of days later, we dropped the dossier info. We needed to hammer the train. The first arrests will be Manafort and Tony Podesta. These guys are not the real target, they are just soldiers. The real targets are Hillary, Holder, Rosenstein, and John Podesta. We would love to expose Obama as well but Pres Trump is adamant about protecting former Presidents. Even if they are corrupt pieces of shit, he believes in the dignity of the office. He feels that ruining the legacy of a President will do nothing but hurt our country. This is why both Bush’s., Bill Clinton, Obama, and even LBJ will be spared. The rest of the JFK files released will not include the essential information implicating LBJ and Bush Sr.

    This is it. The final moves will take place over the next 4 weeks. They could have let this go. Honestly, Pres Trump wanted to get on with Making America Great Again. Period. But Hillary and the DNC just couldn’t let it go. They asked for this. They kept making up shit and now they’re going to pay. If they kept their heads low and faded in to obscurity, we would not have gone this route. They have no one to blame but themselves.”


  4. Bizarre how everyone accepts Mueller’s hit squad as some unavoidable fact of life.

    Mueller should have been removed 9 AM the day after Rosenstein appointed him.
    There have been a dozen excellent opportunities to remove him since. Including his dirty-cop complicity in the original Uranium 1 deal.

    It’s delusional to imagine Mueller is now going to turn on his lifelong sponsors, the Clinton-Bush-Obama Uniparty.

    And please– no more “White Hats” imagery. This is D.C. There are NO insider good guys at the upper ranks. None.
    People like Sundance and his “White Hats” talk are hopelessly naive. The same naifs were busily conjuring the fantasy that Comey was a Fearless Incorruptible Honest Cop who was hot on HRC’s trail. πŸ˜‡

    Remember all those blogs which from 2015-2016 enshrined a false certainty that Good Cop Comey would either indict Hilary or, if thwarted by Obama, would resign in protest and Tell All to the nation?

    Same voices, same wishful thinking, now substituting Sessions for Comey.

  5. He bombed Syria over chocolate cake with President Xi. Niceties out of the way, depending on Sessions answers to some very tough qs, it’ll be choc cake or 2 scoops of ice cream for dessert.

  6. Well, I guess I’m odd man out here. I believe Trump is a brilliant guy who doesn’t suffer fools. If Sessions is still there, it is because Trump wants him to be. Things are starting to roll now. We’ll see how it turns out. I think Trump’s got this. I pray that I’m right.

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