Trump Heights – Bibi proposes a settlement in Golan Heights be named after President Trump – IOTW Report

Trump Heights – Bibi proposes a settlement in Golan Heights be named after President Trump

13 Comments on Trump Heights – Bibi proposes a settlement in Golan Heights be named after President Trump

  1. Somewhat off topic: during the entire 8 years of the Obama nightmare, including the 2008 campaign, and extending even to today, you couldn’t pass a supermarket checkstand without seeing one or both the Obamas on two or three magazine covers. Month in and month out. Other than Time or Newsweek posting unflattering photos, do you ever see any of the Trumps? Never. We have the most beautiful First Lady since Jackie K, and we have seen Melania and Ivanka …never.

  2. I can hear the heads popping worldwide all the way out here in Nolackaloonies, MT!

    And, Tony R., Jackie K, lovely as she was, couldn’t hold a candle to Ms. Melania.

  3. That’s not Trump’s style … it should remain as the Golan Heights, but a gigantic Trump hotel should be built there …. with the TRUMP name at the top, about 20 feet tall. So it can be seen by Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, etc.


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