Trump Hits the Gun Range – Cop Says, “This Man Can Shoot” – IOTW Report

Trump Hits the Gun Range – Cop Says, “This Man Can Shoot”

Wash Times-

STATESVILLE, N.C. (AP) – Donald Trump is getting in some target practice on the campaign trail in North Carolina.

The Republican presidential hopeful stopped by the gun range of the local Fraternal Order of Police lodge in Iredell County before a scheduled meeting at the lodge with law enforcement officers.

Iredell County Sheriff Darren Campbell accompanied Trump and said “this man can shoot.”

He says Trump used an M4 gun often carried by law enforcement. Trump says he had “a little shooting practice.”

Trump is a staunch gun rights supporter and often talks about the issue on the campaign trail. He’s licensed to carry a hand gun in New York, but sometimes jokes that his eldest sons, both hunting enthusiasts, are better shots.

On a different subject, he told the officers that he’ll “take a very serious look” at congressional term limits if he wins.

ht/ all too much

20 Comments on Trump Hits the Gun Range – Cop Says, “This Man Can Shoot”

  1. Tommy, shooting stance, grip, the way you hold the weapon progresses daily. He’d look like a total goober. Branded a gun fanatic by the left and made fun of by the gun community. Besides, pictures of politicians with guns is getting old.

  2. Brad I didn’t see his shooting stance, grip, the way he holds a weapon etc. Did he turn it up range?, did he point it at anyone?
    What the fuck is it with you fucking Cacifornians? Do you have to find fault with everything? He fired the rifle and hit two bullseyes. Fuck to fuck off!

  3. @greetingsfromyonkers (first comment): Wait a minute! You mean Moe and Brad aren’t an…

    – naw, I can’t go there. I get in enough trouble here, as it is.


  4. Moe Tom
    Wow!!!! Let’s start over. It was a smart move not posting the pictures for the reasons I gave above. I believe those reasons are valid in any state one might live in. It was a wise decision.

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