Trump instructs military to ‘destroy’ any Iranian gunboat that attacks Navy – IOTW Report

Trump instructs military to ‘destroy’ any Iranian gunboat that attacks Navy

Just The News: President Trump on Wednesday warned Iran that the U.S. will act with force in response to its vessels challenging U.S. military ships in the Persian Gulf.

Nearly a dozen Iranian gunboats recently harassed U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ships in the northern part of the gulf.  more

20 Comments on Trump instructs military to ‘destroy’ any Iranian gunboat that attacks Navy

  1. Trump’s actual statement:

    “I have instructed the United States Navy to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.”

    And suddenly, all is quiet in the Persian Gulf.

    (“harass” vs. “attack” – the end result is “splat.”)

  2. …see, this is where the Iowa or New Jersey would be a TON of fun…just the BLAST from the 16 inchers would scuttle anything the Iranian “navy” has, and the round itself could be incoming mail for whatever port facility the boat just left…there is no technology that can stop a 16 inch slug, and they don’t have any arrow in their quiver that could penetrate that armor…


    …oh, well, just gonna have to be content with making pink mist, then…vaporize ’em GOOD, boys, those things piloting those cockleshell skiffs have Coronavirus and smell of camel piss besides, so no rescues…

  3. @Supernightshade April 23, 2020 at 2:15 pm

    (cue the Lou Rawls)

    And the people of colors, go “U”, “U” “U”, “U” “U”, the “U” “U” “U”, “U” “U” “S” “A”.

  4. See Operation Praying Mantis, 4/18/88. It took about half a day to sink their navy. Done by lunchtime. Our carrier in the GOO was a great help that day.

    Returned to the Gulf a year later as Ops / Tactical Action Officer on the USS New Jersey, first BB in the PG in history. All was calm, no salvos needed.

    Iran is all noise and bullshit.

  5. I would announce to the world that from now on, all Navy Cooks were now required to Qualify on Deck Mounted Miniguns and since training drones were expensive, they would be allowed to practice on the Iranian Navy.
    So the next time Iran messes with our boats they will be humiliated by Navy Cooks

  6. Then I would announce that the same shit goes for Russian planes buzzing our ships.
    Only whenever a bogey shows up on radar the Cooks will all muster on deck armed with sling shots and bolts and marbles, and armed with the possibility of a ninety day liberty in the port of choice if they bring down a Russian Fighter jet with a 50 cent bolt or a cats eye marble by getting one in the air intakes

  7. That 20mm C-WIZ should light them up pretty good! I think they need to find out Trump isn’t like their goat hump commie C**kS****r cousin that used to be in that position!


    These dry runs could have ended in disaster. Who knows what chemical agent they were trying to dump in the air or water, what weapon they were seeking to deploy, testing how close they can actually get to a ship before they are repelled, then adjust their tactics accordingly.

    If they are in shooting range, shoot them. If not, use a jet, they have a pretty far range.


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