Trump is a Master of the Twitter Art Form – IOTW Report

Trump is a Master of the Twitter Art Form

DB Daily Update:

Which “indigenous” people would those be, Senator? – Kirsten Gillibrand, who actually is running for president in 2020 even though pretty much no one but the fawning press appears to be aware of it, agreed with a leftist activist yesterday that a border wall is “absurd” because it “cuts off so many indigenous people.”

Which “indigenous” people would those be, I wonder? It certainly wouldn’t be the tens of thousands of mostly-male, military-age “asylum seekers” from Central and South America who now form the great preponderance of those illegally crossing our border with Mexico. Nor would it be most Mexican citizens, the vast majority of whom have zero ancestral claim of being a “native” of Texas, or any other southern state, although there are Mexican citizens who appear to have legitimate claims to ancestral lands in the U.S. today.

Could the Senator have been talking about the Karankawa people, a band of rather tall early Americans who inhabited the southern Texas gulf coast when the Spaniards first arrived in the 16th century? Probably not, given that these folks are widely believed to now be extinct.

To be fair, Gillibrand might possibly have been referring to the Tohono O’odham, who claim to have “resided in what is now southern and central Arizona and northern Mexico since time immemorial.” That claim may or may not be true, because there are no real records that would prove it, but it has been formally recognized by the U.S. government, which recognizes a “nation” that straddles 62 miles of the border with Mexico in Pima County, AZ. Maybe that’s who Gillibrand was talking about.

Or maybe, just maybe, she doesn’t have the slightest clue who she’s talking about, and she was simply reciting a talking point that had been written by someone else, a politically-correct platitude designed to show sympathy with some group of people to whom she hopes to appeal with her pandering. Yeah, that’s the odds-on favorite, since that’s what Democrat politicians do for a living.


I was going to write about other stuff, but this just happened while I was compiling this piece:

6 Comments on Trump is a Master of the Twitter Art Form

  1. This wasn’t a Tweet. It was a response to a fake news ass hole. And it was epic.
    “Andrew McCabe has made a fool of himself over the past couple of days. He really looks to me like a poor man’s J. Edgar Hoover,”


  2. There are some people who insist that Occasional-Cortex is “Just Like Trump” with her tweeting. So far they have provided 0 examples of this alleged similarity. And so far, they all seem to be nevertrumpers. Sad


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