Trump is about to repeal another Obama-era global warming policy – IOTW Report

Trump is about to repeal another Obama-era global warming policy

The House passed legislation to repeal the methane rule earlier this year, but the measure failed in the Senate after three Republicans — Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Susan Collin of Maine — voted against it.


CFACT: The Trump administration will issue a proposal to repeal a rule limiting methane emissions from oil and gas operations on federal lands.

Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke will submit his plan to repeal the methane rule on Wednesday, The Washington Post reported.

The Department of the Interior wants to delay the rule until 2019 to “avoid imposing temporary or permanent compliance costs on operators for requirements that may be rescinded or significantly revised in the near future,” reads the department’s filing.

Congress failed to pass legislation repealing the methane rule in May, but the Interior Department stayed the rule in June amid legal challenges from states and the oil and gas industry.  more here

16 Comments on Trump is about to repeal another Obama-era global warming policy

  1. Everyone knows that the main cause of globull warming is cow farts. How’d you like to be the guy who has to put gas absorbing, odor absorbing diapers on all those cows? Of course it’d be a never ending job and then what do you do with all those meadow muffin filled bovine diapers afterwards since you can’t just bury them in a land fill. Turn them into compost I guess, talk about a shitty job.

  2. Obama is in São Paulo, Brazil today. Some rich guys paid him a lot of money for a private – no media- lecture (I’m still calling it money laundering). I just read that he was defending his Iran deal and saying that NK needs to be treated with diplomacy.

  3. Good move but the larger issue, if Trump would find a cure for cancer, institute world peace, wipe out poverty and heal every social injustice throughout the world, send a mandate to congress, McCain would kill it.
    He’s not fighting brain cancer, he’s hanging around to defeat Trump.

  4. McCain is an absolute idiot. Graham is just another party traitor. Worthless weasels who hate America.

    God will judge them almost as harshly as the evil Democrats who just love to kill babies and celebrate every sexual perversion.

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