Trump Is Everything Every Right-Wing Commenter Has Asked For – IOTW Report

Trump Is Everything Every Right-Wing Commenter Has Asked For

I’ve been diligently reading comments on right-wing sites for a decade. From what I can ascertain, Trump is pretty much everything they’ve ever asked for, and this includes the “conservatives” that continue to rip into him.

He’s been built from a collection of bucket lists that have appeared on right-wing social media since the middle of the Dubya era.

I’m seeing an absurd chasm between where Trump is and where these whiners think he is. Every day they say, “you’ll see, any moment now he’s going to show his liberal roots and I get to say a big fat “I told you so.”

It ain’t so.

Trump is the real deal.

What’s his latest tick on the bucket list?

Trump attacks the United Nations with dramatic funding cuts and moves to halt treaties

  • Funding cuts of 40 per cent proposed
  • Funding cessation for an organization that ‘is controlled or substantially influenced by any state that sponsors terrorism’
  • Support for the Palestine Liberation Organization or for abortion also would be disqualifying, as is already the case in current law
  • Review of all multilateral treaties

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33 Comments on Trump Is Everything Every Right-Wing Commenter Has Asked For

  1. Trump is what Americans are.
    Reviled by the Lifted Pinky set, the Purists, and the Old Guard, he makes his own way, does not need help, and could give a shit what the Nattering Class has to say because he outworks them all.

  2. What I find especially irritating aren’t even so much the #NT’s, it’s those who dragged their feet throughout the race and acted as a sea anchor when it would have been so much easier if they’d just jumped in with both feet. Because Trump’s crowds were created based on exactly the things he’s been doing for the past week. I have never understood nervous Nellies who hold back just because they don’t want to be disappointed. You’ll either be delighted or disappointed anyway! I suppose they do it so they don’t “look” like they were duped or something.

    Understanding #NT is easy. They’re either think tank conservatives who understand conservatism from a strict intellectual perspective or they aren’t really conservatives, by any definition.

    Hillsdale just published an adapted speech by their president, Larry Arnn, this past December in which he looks at what conservatism is, what it means, and how Trump meets that definition in every important sense. You can view the speech online:

    “A More American Conservatism” ~ Dr. Larry P. Arnn, President, Hillsdale College, December, 2016, Volume 45, Number 12

  3. For the doubters…
    Maybe he WAS selfishly playing the pay for play game over the years. So?
    It looks like in recent years he opened his eyes and saw what was happening and realized he may be the only one who could do something about it. So he did, and at that moment I believe he became a patriot.

  4. Ronald Reagan was the greatest President in my lifetime. Things are actually worse now after eight years of Islamic Socialism under Obama than they were after four years of Democratic Bumbling under Carter. The challenges facing America may be more dangerous after Obama and Clinton and Kerry fixed things in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Tunisia, and Libya. Russia and China have taken advantage of Obama’s weakness, and the world may be more volatile than anytime since the height of the Cold War. If Donald Trump continues to keep his promises to the citizens who voted for him, he will be the second great President this country has elected when it needed a real patriot. If anyone doesn’t recognize Trump is a great American by now they never will, so to hell with them.

  5. Yes, he is. Trump has far exceed my expectations, and he has only been in office 5 days. As I said way back in July, I hope that I want to vote for him in 2020. With that said, I will not be afraid to call him out if he strays off his current path. Spending is a Yuge issue for me and I am still a bit afraid of how he will tackle that. If his first 5 days are any indication, my fears will be for nothing. I love watching the morning news these days. Little Georgie of GMA makes me giggle over my coffee as he announces, with fear in his eyes, the latest “devastating” thing Trump did to make Obama an asterisk of history.

  6. I have been most surprised about how my liberal friends are freaking out about Trump – I mean they get tears in their eyes when they tell me how crazy he is and how he is going to ruin the country. (Who knew that these Obama supporters even cared about the country!?) If I say anything positive about President Trump they get vein popping mad, and cite all sorts of MSNBC data about what a liar and a narcissist he is. This whole thing is kind of fun!

  7. Some of us KNEW this is what was going to happen. And I ain’t gonna lie, I’m still pissed at some that took a lot of convincing. Maybe not fair on my part, but damn there’s a lot at risk. At the rate he’s going he’ll be board stiff the second two years. I can’t think of any one that has achieved as much as him his first couple days in office. The guy lives for this shit. Probably be the only guy that looks younger when he leaves office. The guys a freaken animal.

  8. Abigail discovered trump first. Good for her. Meanwhile some of us carefully evaluated all candidates. Trump ended up being the best candidate and has certainly done a spectacular job implementing the agenda many of us were driving up to D.C. Nearly every week for the the last 8 years to agitate for.

  9. @Menderman — I apologize in advance for this straight talk. You, my friend, need to stop sitting on the sidelines upon your throne of judgement and step into the fray of good ol’ American patriotic citizenship. I am exceedingly tired of reading your high-horse proclamations about how Trump better do this or do that or you’re going to be in a complete funk. I’m very surprised you have missed the main message Trump has been giving from the outset — that it takes every single one of us to MAGA. And it is so annoying that there are people who want to reap the benefits of his and the rest of our hard work, support and willingness to do whatever we can, in whatever way we can contribute, yet feel no compunction to lift a finger (or anyone’s spirits) as we begin the difficult work of turning this country around. He needs all of us to have his back — not stand on the sidelines just waiting for his foot to slip. There will be MANY mistakes and many things that either won’t make sense or seem wrong. I don’t expect to agree with everything he does or says because I haven’t so far, but I try to keep the plain things the main things and the main things the plain things. Think back to when you were a fifth grader and remember some of those early civics lessons about being a good citizen.

  10. @SteveBrown Yup. My liberal “friends” amaze me at the depths of craziness they’ll go to express their irrational hate and fears of President Trump.

    I’m glad that wearing a pink kitty knot cap proved to be so cathartic for them-at least until the next protest.

  11. @PHenry — Thank you! I was second after Mr. Pinko, but I saw Trump as a whole lot more than Mr. P’s “F U Candidate”.

    I took a lot of heat for “Not. Ringing. The. Bell.” 🙂

  12. And while we’re on it Trump being an FU candidate is fine. As long as you are only interested in revenge against the established ass hole in charge. My vote for Trump had nothing to do with FU and all to do with he can fix this mess. I always thought the FU vote thing was way out of the ten ring.

  13. Did any of you watch the Frontline piece on Donald Trump’s improbable election a couple of nights ago? It was amazing. More balanced than I expected it to be and filled with insiders’ comments from both campaigns. It showed how Trump beat all the odds and confounded all of the pundits on the right and in the MSDM. I admit that I was late coming to the Trump camp, because I didn’t believe he could beat Clinton. He lost all three debates based on normal debating standards, but he won them as far as his supporters were concerned. Frankly, I think he would have gotten another million votes if he had been more circumspect. I wasn’t the only one who didn’t think he could defeat Clinton. Most of his closest advisers thought he was continually throwing away his chances to become President. The best thing about the program was how it showed that Trump’s instincts proved better than anyone’s in either campaign. Now he is confounding his critics and delighting his admirers. He won’t need a hundred days to change the direction of this country.

  14. AbigailAdams, thanks for that Hillsdale College link.

    Everyone, please be aware that Hillsdale offers many free courses in American government and history. You can watch the video lectures or download the audio.

    Hillsdale takes no government money.

    A recent class I signed up for is the Constitution and the President. There is also a course on the Supreme Court and other similar subjects.

    You don’t even have to register to enjoy these courses.

  15. As I remarked several weeks ago, this is a fundamentally descent and good man. How could we possibly ask for more. We are lucky beyond belief to have him. Maybe gods giving us one more chance.

  16. Picture Major Kong riding the TrumpTrain – ya-oooohhhhhhh!!!!!
    That’s me with every great-American loving piece of paper PRESIDENT TRUMP signs.

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