Trump Is Just Like Hillary – Until You Actually Listen To Both of Them With Lucidity – IOTW Report

Trump Is Just Like Hillary – Until You Actually Listen To Both of Them With Lucidity

Here’s Hillary talking about “going further than Obama” on illegal immigration and handing the illegals the keys to our kingdom –

Here’s Trump –

They sound identical, don’t they?

6 Comments on Trump Is Just Like Hillary – Until You Actually Listen To Both of Them With Lucidity

  1. Yep. But there are still plenty of those “principled” conservatives who insist there isn’t any difference. . . whereas four years ago Romney who signed MA socialists healthcare, and said he was “proud” of MA anti 2nd amendment laws, and even went so far as to describe HIMSELF as a progressive was nothing like Obozo!

    The Republican party is so hopelessly compromised that Trump will have to win despite them, and then drag them light a huge dead weight as he tries to change our course away from the abyss.

  2. If the Main Stream News will start reporting on her gafs, her temper tantrums, her crimes since the 1980s, and start reporting the news instead of bias, slant and lie about her, then the truth will come forth. The Bint will go down.

  3. I can name two presidential candidates who have experience implementing socialist healthcare programs. One is Hillary, and the other one is saying Trump is just like Hillary.

    It’s not a riddle.

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