Trump is Moby-Dick, the Democrats are Captain Ahab – IOTW Report

Trump is Moby-Dick, the Democrats are Captain Ahab

American Thinker: In a telling way, the current political scene is a replay of Herman Melville’s 1851 novel, Moby-Dick, with Donald Trump being the great white whale and the Democrats playing the role of the vengeful Captain Ahab. 

In the story, whaling captain Ahab is obsessed with killing Moby-Dick.  This is traced back to an event a year earlier on a whaling expedition in the Pacific.  Then, Moby-Dick took one of Ahab’s legs, “as a mower a blade of grass in the field.”  From then on, Ahab wore a peg leg carved from the jawbone of a sperm whale. 

The experience traumatized Ahab.  Even Moby-Dick’s color grated on Ahab’s mind.  To him, the color white symbolized nobility and goodness, while the whale itself was the embodiment of evil.  Hate took over Ahab, blotting out reason and common sense.  When he sets out on his final voyage from Nantucket on the Pequod, making a profitable haul for the ship’s owners is not his priority.  Killing Moby-Dick and boiling his blubber into oil is.  read more

h/t Forcibly Deranged.

15 Comments on Trump is Moby-Dick, the Democrats are Captain Ahab

  1. “Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee … , thou damned whale!” ~ ‘Moby Dick’, Melville

    yep, sounds like the d’RATs alright

  2. IOTW is the prophet Elijah on the dock, warning confused young voter Ishmael of future doom:

    “There will come a day at sea when you smell blood where there be no blood [impeachment]. And on that day, the Democrat party will go to its grave [2020].”

  3. Lunatics commonly develop acute obsessions. What we’re witnessing is referred to by professionals as mass psychogenic illness. The democrats have lost their grip on sanity long ago and now, do to Trump’s tormenting, it’s manifested in a blind rage.
    There is only one solution when an animal has rabies.

  4. There’s a lot of pathologies involved, all of them flowing out of love of sin, but one of the biggest manifestations is solipsism [the ghastly delusion that, outside of your own perceptions, reality and even other people don’t really exist], which then became mass solipsism, which the Left always tries to impose upon others who disagree, to everyone’s pain and destruction.

    Once upon a more rational time, exhibiting solipsism got you locked up in an asylum. Were it so today, many of our social and political problems would never exist outside of padded walls and a Thorazine fog.

    “It’s a madhouse!”

  5. The press don’t like mini-Mike because he’s RICH! and if they started liking him, they’d have to admit there’s nothing wrong with being a rich New York guy….


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