Trump is slowly shrinking government – IOTW Report

Trump is slowly shrinking government

Czar of Defenestration-
-sells off the US Postal Service, FAA, and many Federal properties
-eliminates more than a 1/3rd of the US Public Health Corps
-restructures all foreign aid & development programs
-places every single domestic program for poor families & children under a new Dept. of Welfare
-cuts funds for all forms of alternative energy development and are consolidated under a single DOE agency
-transfers all background/conflicts checks on fed appointees and employees AWAY from FBI to the Dept. of Defense
To back of Czar’s post, during the recent  “Drain the Swamp” meeting, Mike Mulvaney was discussing consolidating redundancies.

5 Comments on Trump is slowly shrinking government

  1. Selling the FAA to the airlines would be exactly like:

    Selling control of the interstate highways to the trucking companies!

    Selling control of our military to mercenaries!

    Selling control of our government to the globalist elite!


  2. I just had an issue with an Amazon
    order delivery screwup by USPS.
    As part of the fix info Amazon
    said it was “contracting some deliveries with local carriers”.
    The USPS fixed the problem doublequick. Very unusual.
    Food for thought on a future buyout.

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