Trump is Uncanny in His Prescience – IOTW Report

Trump is Uncanny in His Prescience

From 2015- Wow.

4 Comments on Trump is Uncanny in His Prescience

  1. Trump is a genius – literally. He made billions the hard way: project, by project by project by project, overcoming every obstacle in his way each time. Sure’s he’s failed occassionally, but they’ve been petty failures compared to his successes. The man was a billionaire developer in the toughtest town in the world (NYC), a star of a hit tv show that ran for years, president of the United States (without any GOP help). Genius is genius. Compare to parasites like Obama, corrupt treasonous clowns like Biden, scummy grifters like McConnell etc etc – he’s a brillant guy whose both IQ and street smarts are off the chart.


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