Trump isn’t winning the terror bloc – IOTW Report

Trump isn’t winning the terror bloc

Breitbart: Hamas Terrorists Complain About Trump’s Immigration Policy.


TEL AVIV – Palestinian terrorist organizations did not take kindly to Donald Trump’s call for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.”  

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16 Comments on Trump isn’t winning the terror bloc

  1. “We Muslims have grown used to these types of statements, which prove that the U.S. under any president will continue to be hostile towards Muslims,”

    But not quite as “hostile” as those devoutly religious moslem head-choppers back home, eh, Hajji?

  2. implement these racist suggestions

    Donald didn’t suggest only all the beard wearing sand fly long dress pedophile goat rapers who all look alike can’t come into the country as a racist term, he meant it for ALL muslims regardless what they look like or what race they come from.

  3. I do believe Trump struck a nerve. I can hardly wait for the next exposed nerve to show the lo-fo types just who they are dealing with. The latest poll has Trump with 85% of the people against everyone else. Think about that a moment. People would rather jump the bash Trump train than consider for a moment what he said. I’d say he can stop campaining now – he cinched it with the reactions of everyone against this country.

  4. A guy is strolling through the mall when he sees a sign above a shop that reads “Muslim Bookstore”. Having never been aware there was such a thing, he goes in to check it out.

    Immediately, the clerk is right in his face, demanding to know what he wants.

    He sez “I wondered if you had a copy of the Official US Immigration Policy for Muslims?

    The clerk explodes: “You damned troublemaker! Get the hell out of here and don’t come back!!”

    Our guy sez: “Yah, that’s the one! Got that in paperback??”

  5. Another Bump For Trump: The cretins at City Hall, New York City, want him stopped. They had a protest today. I wasn’t there, but I’m sure Carl Dix and his agitprops were there.
    Phuckemall. Commie bastards.

  6. Muzlims fleeing the failed, Third-World shit hole they lived in, come here and demand that we change our social, legal and economic structure….. just to become exactly like the failed, Third-World shit hole they fled from.


    Spare me the phucking, feel-good, phoney-baloney, plastic-banana Bullshit! They’re not refugees. They’re goat-fcuking invaders Hell-bent on world conquest and domination!
    Trump’s got it right!
    Turn off the Welfare spigot.
    Shut ’em down and move ’em out!

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