Trump- Journalists Who Received Pulitzer Prizes For Russian Collusion Stories Should Give Them Back – IOTW Report

Trump- Journalists Who Received Pulitzer Prizes For Russian Collusion Stories Should Give Them Back

16 Comments on Trump- Journalists Who Received Pulitzer Prizes For Russian Collusion Stories Should Give Them Back

  1. “Journalists Who Received Pulitzer Prizes For Russian Collusion Stories Should G̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶T̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶B̶a̶c̶k̶ Be Executed For Treason”

  2. “PRESSTITUTES Who Received Pulitzer Prizes For Russian Collusion Stories Should Give Them Back”

    There. Fixed it for ya.

  3. KGB took control of Columbia 90years ago. Still controlled by Russian agents. Any one wealthy enough to “take out their wallets and PAY ATTENTION” 90 years ago was not shocked that Columbia awarded a Pulitzer to a KGB agent, NYT “Ace Reporter”(I just stole a subtitle from a blog that used to be.) w. Duranty.

    Columbia continues to be a Russian org. and continues to award Pulitzers to hate America “journal”.
    If you were too poor to “take out your wallets and PAY ATTENTION” last week you were shocked that Columbia gave another P to the hate Americans NYT NYt has other owners bt is still run by and operated by Russian agents.

    90 years later and nothing has really changed.

    BTW I was not alive when KGB took control of Columbia and NYT. Not that old!

  4. But then Obama would have to return his ignoble piece prize, because of his encouraging his muslim brothers to go on the warpath.
    Dat ain’t gonna happen.


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