Trump Junior Tests Positive For Covid – IOTW Report

Trump Junior Tests Positive For Covid

The son of President Donald Trump avoided the virus earlier in the year when his girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle tested positive.

Donald Trump Jr., the son of President Donald Trump, has tested positive for the coronavirus, news outlets, including Bloomberg, POLITICO and ABC have confirmed Friday evening. 

“Don tested positive at the start of the week and has been quarantining out at his cabin since the result,” his spokesman told ABC. “He’s been completely asymptomatic so far and is following all medically recommended COVID-19 guidelines.” 


16 Comments on Trump Junior Tests Positive For Covid

  1. I have been trying to find the total death rate data for the USA to track by month so I can compare past years to 2020, and everywhere I look the data stops at April 2020. Hmmmmmmm

  2. BFD. Who gives a shit? He’ll suffer through the inconvenience a few sniffles and be right back at it in a few days just like everyone else who had the flu the last couple years. Get a life.

  3. He’s no sissy. Not a big deal. The same fucksticks who warned me about enjoying a good cigar while drinking beer and sitting in front of my TV watching Hee Haw on Friday night are hoping we both croak. Fuckem, my fat self is feeling better than ever.

  4. MJA, early on, I recall reading that China attempted a massive inoculation of it’s population in 2019 and that many doctors there viewed with alarm that people who contracted COVID had received the flu shot and were doing worse than those who didn’t get it. The web articles discussing this soon disappeared in the March-April time frame.

  5. Everyone will be exposed to Covid eventually. It has to be. It is the only way for herd immunity. Yes, the vaccine will help but it is NOT a cure-all. I caught Covid back in February, was sick for two weeks, and survived. I’m 65, have heart disease, chronic asthma, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, slightly overweight, was a smoker for way too many years, drink alcohol often enough, and survived cancer. By the standards of fear generated over Covid by the MSM, I should be dead. I am part of the 99%.


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