Trump Lawyer Says Pence Testimony Will Acquit Trump of J6 Charges – IOTW Report

Trump Lawyer Says Pence Testimony Will Acquit Trump of J6 Charges


 lawyer for Donald Trump said Sunday that he’d be pleased to see former Vice President Mike Pence on the witness stand when his client is tried on charges that he tried to overturn the 2020 election results. “I read his book very carefully, and if he testifies consistent with his book, then President Trump will be acquitted,” John Lauro said, Politico reports. Lauro made the comments on ABC’s This Week, one of his stops on a tour of the Sunday talk shows. “Mike Pence will be one of our best witnesses at trial,” he said.

Lauro elaborated on his reasons for wanting Pence to testify in an appearance on Face the Nation, per CBS News, despite the fact that the indictment casts the vice president as the main obstacle to schemes to nullify Electoral College results and keep Trump in office. “Number one, he agrees that John Eastman, who gave legal advice to President Trump, was an esteemed legal scholar,” Lauro said. “Number two, he agrees that there were election irregularities, fraud, unlawful actions at the state level. All of that will eviscerate any allegation of criminal intent on the part of President Trump.”


34 Comments on Trump Lawyer Says Pence Testimony Will Acquit Trump of J6 Charges

  1. Pence has disappointed 100% of the time since the Steal.
    He has proven to be too stupid to read the room, recognize what team he is on, or to recognize the suffering that has fallen upon the average working Person.

    I would not put any faith in him.

  2. Kcir
    “recognize what team he is on”
    I recognize he’s on the wrong team, not the “America First” team.
    He’s on the F_ck all the middle class, take their money, live on their money.
    You will have nothing and like it,team.

  3. They will get that book admitted as evidence. Then they will do discovery driven by what he wrote. Verifying through other witnesses what he wrote was factual. I’m pretty sure this guys already found the witnesses. Pence is going to look like a huge liar. How Christian of him.

  4. I took an online IQ test once, but they didn’t give me a score. They just said I probably have to think about breathing. I’m not sure, but I think that’s bad.
    I think Pence’s input in all this bs will be verbose and negligible.

  5. Tony R, the real plan B may be DeSantis in 2024.
    Trump is imploding.
    I cannot blame him, he is under intense pressure.

    DeSantis can beat biden* and pardon Trump.
    It’s looking like that more & more each day.
    It really would be the best thing to happen even if people don’t want to admit it.
    4 more years of Trump vs the world may be too much to bear.

    You heard it here first…

  6. For what it’s worth, there is precedent:

    “A senior Treasury official whose diary casts a bad light on the Administration’s handling of the Whitewater affair will testify in Congress that his writings do not accurately reflect what occurred, Administration officials and Congressional investigators said today.”

    “In his diary, Joshua L. Steiner, the Treasury Secretary’s chief of staff, wrote that White House officials had put “intense pressure” on Deputy Treasury Secretary Roger C. Altman to remain involved in overseeing the Federal handling of Whitewater. Then, when Mr. Altman told senior Clinton advisers in February of his decision to remove himself from the matter, they “told RA that it was unacceptable,” the diary says.”

  7. We haven’t heard Pence’s testimony yet. He claims he took notes, big whoop there was probably 5 staff members recording meetings as well. Trump didn’t attend briefings, he said that he relied on his intuition to make decisions. Too bad Trump didn’t surround himself with the right people. Trump is his own worse enemy, I’m very disappointed with him. If only he hadn’t gone down faggot lane. God gave Trump and Obama over to it, so be it.

  8. nunyo bidness, from what I read, this same woman was sand-bagging Trump in 2016, casting aspersions on his mental health. We’ve all been through Q, The Kraken, The Election Server Seized in Germany and a bunch of other wild goose chases. Forgive me if I am skeptical of this latest Deus Ex Machina.

  9. thirdtwin, why would PDT and others confirm & retruth her statements in the GBN interview?

    to date, i’ve not seen PDT state anything that turned out to be untrue/false

  10. nunya bidness, we’ll see if this “revelation” ever makes it into court filings, or just bounces around social media for a minute. I’m not buying it. And the “650 planes o’gold/pouting pope” thing is way over the top.

    IMO, deepers are teeing up another fantastic football for us to take a run at. I’m going to watch from the cheap seats.


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