Trump L’oeil – IOTW Report

Trump L’oeil

Hope n Change: No matter where you stand on Donald Trump, we hope you’ll read the entire commentary today. We have a message for both sides.

trump hope n change toon

First, something for the passionately pro-Trump voters who are angry with those still on the fence…

In “The Art of the Deal,” we’re pretty sure that Donald Trump didn’t suggest “scream at the other person and call them a traitor until they agree to your terms.” Yelling doesn’t help. Yes, a plurality of Republican voters has said they want Trump to be the nominee, and he clearly will be.

But for him to have even a chance of winning, people who don’t yet support The Donald will have to find reasons to like him (or at least accept him). And they’ll need reasons to believe that he no longer supports the political positions he’s espoused and/or funded in the past.

If you support Trump, then why not have faith that in the coming— MORE

66 Comments on Trump L’oeil

  1. This crap is becoming really boring. Please try and find some one with an IQ higher than their sperm count to continue your agenda. The Monster vote is real. Because fuck it.

  2. The art of negotiation 101.

    YOU, can do better than that.

    Trump rulz, lulz, based on that. Sorry, but I’ve never in the past near 50 years had anyone tell me I should be sick and tired of WINNING!

  3. The choice is very simple. Vote for Hillary if you wish Obama could have a third term. Otherwise, vote for Trump. Voting for Trump is a no brainer except for the millions who belong to the victim class and are dependent on money every month which has been coercively taken from working people.

  4. i didnt vote for romney last time around because i absolutely could not stomach the man and i refused to compromise. I dint vote for that black bastard either, so i understand a bit why some of the cruzettes wont vote for trump.

    But now the SHTF. I’m not voting for that white bitch by voting libertarian.

  5. “scream at the other person and call them a traitor until they agree to your terms.” And isn’t this exactly what the Cruz fanatics did?

    “First, something for the passionately pro-Trump voters who are angry with those still on the fence…”

    Yes, I am angry at those “still on the fence” The choice is Hillary or Donald. Donald is not as conservative as I would like, but he is several orders of magnitude better than Hillary on EVERY issue. Not voting is a vote for Hillary. Voting third party is a vote for Hillary. It IS THAT SIMPLE!

  6. Stilton still has his cheesehead up his a§$.
    Claiming that Trump needs time
    to “show his good qualities” is revealing.

    Trump already HAS DONE SO.
    Some folks just refuse to see it.

    Stilton is projecting.
    HE needs to do his homework, NOT Trump.
    (well, not *all*, but you know what I mean)

  7. “Not a conservative as you would like….?” Say what?

    Like Paul Ryan, perhaps?

    “I find it amusing that Ryan proclaims from the rooftops Trump is not is conservative when Ryan has promoted open borders, funded planned parenthood, endorsed a trillion omnibus budget bill to lay the debts on our children and grandchildren, helped write TPP, has shipped American jobs overseas and approves of common core. If this is being conservative in the deluded mind of Ryan then he is not in step with about 80% of people in this nation who consider themselves conservatives.

    This guy has a net worth of twelve million dollars for being a house member not a member of the senate but house. How does a man like him get that kind of money when they make about $180,000 a year….”

    Go to:

    He needs one about the Constitution and the Supreme Court and his proposed team, but, damn it, he’s done this in the last day and it sure seems he’s scripted all the clips personally.

    Chris Christie is heading up his transition team.

    Stop bitching. He will win — by a lot! ….Lady in Red

  8. so now he has decided to support the minimum wage and raise taxes on the “rich” and already supports perverts going into the women’s restrooms and lockers. So as he continues to tack further left, I wonder how far he will go before any of you realize who he really is. I will check back in a week or two because I know I am no longer wanted here and hate to break up your trump love fest with facts.

  9. Mr. Penguin…. He supports allowing *states* to decide minimum wage — not the feds.

    And, he is not supporting raising taxes on the rich. He is considering the possibility that the Dems will force a compromise of *his* proposed lowering of taxes for “the rich,” (whatever they are). He has said that he will not ever compromise on raising taxes on the middle class.

    Try thinking, not drinking at the MSM well. …..Lady in Red

    PS: *I* as sooooooooooooooooooooo sick of the bathroom thingie! I do think that if a “pervert” is dressed like Caitlin Jenner heels and a dress, it might be safest, all ’round, for him/her to enter the ladies’ room and sit in a stall. Perverts are never wanted.

  10. @LIR, you DO NOT open that gate by saying the Caitlins of the world can use the women’s facilities because the pervs will use that loophole and you and I both know it. Your candidate is morally flawed and unlike most of the rest of the humans on the planet, he refuses to admit it. This is why trump stands out from every other “lesser of two evils ” choice that I have had to make since Reagan the rest admitted it, trump flaunts it and is proud of it!! Humbleness is something that is very much needed in the leader of the free world and neither of the top candidates possesses even a smidgen of it.

  11. Enough, Already!

    ”Many of these [anti-Trump] posts came with the disclaimer that if Hillary won the presidency, it would not be the fault of the NeverTrump dissenters, but of the presumed idiots who voted for Trump in the first place.
    Nonsense. It is as if a conscientious objector announced his principled resistance to a particular war and then continued to boast about his principles once or more a day until the enemy prevailed. That resister could say he did help the enemy win, but no one would believe him.”


  12. Hell’s bells. Push a homo off a roof and romp over it — after you fuck him first. (Nota bene: it’s not a sin in the Koran, if *he* is the “bottom.”)

    Allah Akbar! Good night.
    ….Lady in Red

    PS: Deal with the rest of my message and your hatred of Trump, if you can.

  13. Enough, Already!
    Most of us are going to vote for Trump. But My God, you more strident and vitriolic supporters sound like cultist!

    Way to bring people to our side!

  14. Hillary wins, the Supreme Court is lost for the next 20 years. If that’s the price the GOP, RNC and socalled conservatives want to pay to make sure Trump is not elected, then so be it.

  15. TO Joe of America

    I guess you’d have to put up with

    1) being called a fascist, etc etc for 6 months first,
    2) have your guy (in effect) win the Primaries, and
    3) then STILL have jerks be pushing for someone else

    to appreciate some of us make a point.

    Oh yeah…and

    4) have a troll like grool agree with you.

  16. @Lady in Red – You’re obviously one of the few who listens to what Trump says rather than reads what the media and establishment narrative TELL you he said.


    I wish more posters would grow up and do the same. They overlook the complicity of decades of elected “conservatives” getting us into a miasma of over-regulation, big government controlled by special interests and illegals.

    Anyone not voting for Trump is actively promoting Obama’s third term.

  17. @Joe of America. I’m pleased you will be voting Trump.

    I would just like to point out, however, that insisting on factual reporting is not “strident and vitriolic”.

    The establishment has spent hundreds of millions these past few months in negative ads against Trump (the last time they did that wa Regan. Are you old enough to remember that he portrayed as a “failed grade B actor”?). Now they’re co-opting the media that Obama brags he controls to paint Trump with their dishonest message.

    Three recent cases in point from THIS WEEK:
    1. Trump about faces, says he wants to raise taxes on the rich.Watch how Chuck Todd tried time and again to hang that on Trump and how Trump had to repeatedly correct him:

    2. On minimum wage – media says he wants to raise it. Trump actually says he wants to leave it up to the states.

    3. TRUMP WILL DEFAULT ON THE DEBT!. What Trump said is what everyone who ever bought a bond knows: if interest rates go up, bond prices fall. When that happens, if US has the cash, it should buy back the bonds at the lower price. Duh,

    Listen to the full interviews of what Trump says, not the selected and manipulated narratives of what others want you to believe he said.

  18. The Left is the side that has no sense of humor. Please keep it that way.

    I am a big fan of Mary Jane and Diogenes. Two fine ladies with a great sense of humor and strong conservative values.

    God Bless you Both. And thank you for all the laughs.

  19. @Lady in Red:

    Which shower or locker room should Bruce Jenner use at Gold’s Gym or the “Y” or St Micheal’s?

    Charlotte made it mandatory for all private business to open up their showers and locker rooms to anyone based on stated gender and made it a hate crime to stop a bearded man walking into young girls showers.

    Same at grade schools, High Schools, churches, etc.

    This has nothing to do with where people take a piss.

  20. The problem is that the same coalition that gave us McCain and Romney (open primaries and primarily leftist northern states) has once again served up a ‘Democrat-lite’ that will probably lose for the same reasons the other two did.
    Lefties don’t vote for a watered down Socialist if a true Communist, like Hillary or Bernie or Obama, is on the ballot.
    Freedom lovers have particular disdain for losing those freedoms to people they supported.
    Now a huge amount of effort is being put into creating a scapegoat to take the blame if (as is seeming more and more likely) you fail for a third time.
    The problem is that in creating this scapegoat you are engineering your own failure by appearing as a bunch of angry cranks as bent on destroying our institutions as the left is.
    You don’t need a scapegoat, just look in the mirror, you will see your true enemy.

  21. Menderman….. The *world* is collapsing! Western civilization is being overrun. I am sympathetic to your problem….. I am! At the same time, is this the best the world can do…. …try to legislate where kids can pee and shower?

    Molestation, still, is not legal. Nor is bullying for lunch money on the school bus. The world is weird. I suspect that, mostly, in another fifty years the entire (suicidal) transgender fad will disappear. In the meantime, given the state of the crazy world, you are going to have to deal with the problem on a personal level. Get your kid to opt out of gym…? Hide in a corner of the locker room….? Write a letter to the newspaper, if a kid deliberately “exposes” himself. ….I don’t know…

    …..but if you think you are going to pass a law and that will protect you and the world from this nuttiness, you are more naive than I thought. …..Lady in Red

  22. LIR, your ignorance is outstanding! If the Obama administration succeeds against NC, the law becomes a national law by decree. If you find that a minor issue to be ignored, you are the problem. It matters none what the issue is , any decree by the King should be fought, especially the dumb ones.

    Have fun in the shower with Caitlyn.

  23. JohnSh!tForBrains is blaming the GOP “open primary” choices for what he sees as a guaranteed loss.

    JohnSh!tForBrains is still playing TOKYO ROSE here.

  24. Would you anti-Trumpers stop playing “look a squirrel”???

    The issues that YOU can do nothing about as an individual except vote are the issues Trump will set right: Border security, jobs and putting Americans ahead of foreigners.

    We have to rely on the government to correct these issues.

    I, on the other hand, can take protect my daughter from male sexual predators in the ladies room until I can get rid of the idiots pushing the rights of predators.

  25. Menderman. If open primaries are a stupid idea how do you demonstrate the will of the people when there are only 2 parties? You’re saying people MUST be members by force of one party or another in order to have a voice?

  26. Menderman – stop playing look a squirrel. If I had a child in a school where grown men were allowed to shower with children I would be at that school shutting it down.

    I cannot go to the border and stop all the illegals. I would be arrested if I tried – it is AGAINST THE LAW for citizens to detail illegals!

    When I KNOW that an illegal is living next door and collecting welfare illegally I can do NOTHING about it.

    When I KNOW that illegal is sending his kids to my school for ME to educate I can do NOTHING about it – the Supreme Court said it is illegal for me to try.

    When I KNOW that my job is being given to an H1B visa foreign import and I am REQUIRED to train that foreigner if I want any severance – even though this is illegal – I can do NOTHING about it because the law will not be enforced by my elected officials.

    It’s time for TRIAGE. Treat the life threatening issues first. Many of the others will go away once the people hell bent on destroying our country are cut off at the knees.

  27. The squirrel here is the border issue.
    It and firearms are the only issues on the list that Trump’s handlers wrote that Trump has not completely contradicted.
    The border situation, including the fence (or wall, or something else, depends on the day of the week) and amnesty are all up for negotiation (code for ” I will abandon that also, but not until after the election”).
    This Hobson’s choice is not palatable.
    We are being served up a shit sandwich, we just get to choose the bread used.

  28. Clutch your 2 pearls turner.
    If you have them.
    When it comes to discussion of issues, you have nothing but name calling and accusations.
    You can bury your head in the sand, but if the issue is not addressed and resolved the support for Trump will end up being the very thing that puts cankles in office.
    Then again, it worked with Romney and McCain, so maybe you actually do see the end game clearly.

  29. LOL JohnS. Please detail my “name calling and accusations”. I’ll wait.

    Meanwhile, a quick perusal of your comments above paint those millions who turned out in historic numbers to vote against the establishment and support Trump as “angry cranks as bent on destroying our institutions”.

    I always try to follow the Biblical advice of not casting my pearls after swine. If you want to paint that with the loaded “pearl clutching”, it says more about you than it does about me.

  30. Meanwhile, JohnSh!tForBrains believes EVERYTHING any other politician says. (/s…probably)

    Or, isn’t that it, JohnSh!tFor Brains?
    Mybe you don’t believe ANYTHING any politician says.

    IN WHICH CASE: there’s NO reason for ANYONE to listen to ANYTHING you have to say.

  31. Czar, I believe what Trump says, and get blasted by the likes of you for it. Rather than demand people stop listening to what Trump says, why don’t you get him to shut up and just direct people to his web page like you do whenever what he says gets brought up?
    Now that he is on the teleprompter though, that should be less necessary.
    Turner, you don’t have to wait, you accused me of supporting Hillary. Is it reasonable to expect you to comprehend what you write?

  32. Just a squirrel. Yeah a multi-billion dollar squirrel used by the left as a wedge to drive a conservative governor out of office orchestrated at the highest levels in federal government. You may not care because it is just North Carolina right now, but if the feds win, it will be in your schools too. And if you stand in the way of a man entering the ladies showers, you get arrested and charged with a hate crime.

    Maybe we can build walls around restrooms, then you might pay attention?

  33. Menderman – if you don’t like it vote for Trump and every other Republican that hasn’t been part of the establishment. Otherwise, get used to buying family sized packages of Depends, learn Spanish and kiss your job goodbye under Hillary.

    You have a choice.

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