Trump Looking Into Deporting Illegals On Welfare – IOTW Report

Trump Looking Into Deporting Illegals On Welfare

Can Trump get any better?

Right back atcha, parasite.

The good news is this is existing law, it’s just that this New York Liberal is the only one with the balls big enough to enforce it.

ht/ c .steven tucker

23 Comments on Trump Looking Into Deporting Illegals On Welfare

  1. Brilliant. Simply brilliant. Just by enforcing the existing laws that have been ignored for decades, Trump is going to boot out several million illegal aliens. God speed, President Donald J. Trump.

  2. It hasn’t even been 2 weeks! I’ve been doing the happy dance the whole time and I can’t feel my legs any more.
    Mr Trump! I’m tired of winn…..
    NO I’M NOT!!!!!! KEEP IT UP!!!!

  3. I think they protested about that 2 days ago -> “January 31, 2017 6:38 p.m.
    White House Considers Deporting Legal Immigrants for Being Poor
    By Eric Levitz” NYMag article with a picture of President Trump looking constipated.

  4. Every time I see that picture of that Beaner grabbing his crotch in defiance reminds me of the time I was in Washington DC at the Lincoln Memorial with a large group of veterans who were there to counter protest Code Pink who had threatened to defile The Vietnam Memorial. Cindy Sheehan was their guest of honor. The Vietnam Memorial was saved by a massive presence. But they decided to have a march towards the Pentagon and there was this miserable little homosexual in the March that did the same genital grabbing gesture toward the veterans during the parade. There was a great deal of agitation and if it weren’t for our groups discipline that son of a bitch would have been dead right there on the street. He was well deserving of A beat down as are all of the present day agitators.

    This was probably about 2003. Same vermin roam amongst us and maybe violent push back way back then would have been the better option.

  5. The Panhandle area of Oklahoma is one example of an area where these vermin catch benefits in three and four states. Just shows how we are bleeding money to this sham. This problem is massive and Trump is probably our only hope of ever getting a handle on it.

  6. The laws restricting federal benefits to illegals and most immigrants were stymied early on by administrative and legal rulings that prohibited agencies from asking about citizenship. Congress never saw fit to correct the discrepancy, as it suited their agenda, a law on the books to salve the desires of the grassroots, but effectively unenforceable.

    I don’t know how this new effort will play out in the courts, but the Republicans had better get their Supreme Court Justice in place quickly if they want elections to mean anything. Feb. 13 would be just about right. He could be sworn in on the anniversary of Scalia’s death.

  7. I love you Trump! I really do! My blood pressure is way down, I’m calm, I’m giddy, I’m gloating, I’m euphoric, I’m confident, and best of all I can sleep through the night. I think I’ll book a cruise!

  8. Hi everyone, you need to study up on immigration law. Go to the Cornell University law site and look up this section:

    Then go to USCIS’ website and look up the 1952 Walter McCarran Immigration and Nationality Act

    Then read up on Title 8 (Immigration and Nationality)

    This is what you need to study in order to debate a libtard on immigration.

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